admin on March 26th, 2010

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with David and Anita Duggan, and if you were just listening, unbelievable, biggest drug bust in the history of Mississippi and this young lady, Anita, she’s the one, you’re the culprit, it was a sting, you were setup, you are facing mucho years in prison, uh, and you want to […]

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admin on March 19th, 2010

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Anita Duggan, and I’m reading this article that in 1975, in the state of Mississippi, the largest drug bust in their history, Anita, you just don’t look like a drug buster, I mean there was a whole sting operation, but let’s kind of go back a little bit. You […]

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admin on March 12th, 2010

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with John Fenn. And John had three visitations from the Messiah of Israel in which the Messiah told him how to recapture what the first Jewish believers in the Messiah had. And John, tell me about this third visitation. JOHN: Well the third one was later that same year in […]

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admin on March 5th, 2010

SID: So Charles is hearing voices, he’s having visions, they are all turning out to be true, he really is a prophet and he really can hear God’s voice, and then he has a vision of who his wife will be, and he goes to a meeting, he is a keynote speaker and there is […]

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