Sid:  My guest this week is Keith Duncan and Keith is a forerunner because he had a visitation to Heaven, and he saw what happens when you worship the way they worship in Heaven.  What happens in Heaven and the dramatic effect of what happens on earth.  And as a forerunner he has been not singing songs about himself, or sings songs about the areas that most Christian music is on, but he has been singing songs to God.  What do you see based on your experience now that’s going on in your life that is going to happen to Christian music; tell me the trend, what is going to happen?

Keith:  Well, in so many models today that we have in our churches we’re playing to the crowd, we play songs in our music services that the crowd likes that will draw a  crowd that will be sensitive to what is current with the market and what the radio markets.  The problem is that we’ve made worship an industry and so we’ve been entrapped by the industry, but that’s not what God is wanting; God is calling us to challenge the system.  And that’s not a very popular message, but the message is simply this, we’ve got to quit playing to the people and play to God.  Because when we play to the people in essence we’re sowing to the flesh which means we can only reap fleshly results, we can only receive the applause of man or people will buy our CD’s.  But there’s a whole another level Sid and this is where we’re focusing in on, we want to give God the glory that’s due His Name and sing to Him; sing songs that describe who He is; His attributes; His character.  And sow those seeds into the Heavens and into the atmosphere and into the airways so that as we release those songs into the airways He manifests on earth that which we’re singing Him as being.

Sid:  Do you know what I’m reminded of as you’re sharing this?  There were men of old that knew how to get a hold of God through prayer, and when they would show up even without preaching people would fall on their face and be convicted of sin.  I believe that when we can get into the glory zone we’ll carry that kind of anointing that this world desperately needs.

Keith:  Yes, I believe it’s all about atmosphere and as a Worship Leader see I used to think of myself as an artist, I was actually challenged to become a music artist.  I had some people that say “If you just quit going this direction and you just start singing more contemporary songs we can produce you and make you huge.”  But it’s like because I had that vision in ’97 in the throne room Sid I couldn’t go that way; I knew who I was because I’d been to the throne room and I understood that that’s not the direction.  I’m a Psalmist and the Psalmist’s responsibility is not to please the people but to please the King and when you please the King you walk in the favor of the supernatural and you see the abundance of the Kingdom released and the blessings and the covering in the life.  And so as a Psalmist it’s my responsibility to create an atmosphere to where when people walk into that atmosphere, whatever they need is going to be met; whether it’s a healing or a financial need.  Why?  Because the presence of God has invaded this space.

Sid:  Alright, for example let me play a selection right now; “The Glory of the King.”  What is going to happen to someone as they participate in this music?  What are you accomplishing with this song “The Glory of the King?”

Keith: I believe that there’s going to be a glory invasion in their home, I believe as they release their worship to God and join with this song that they are going to experience a weight of God’s presence in their home that it will, what’s the word, it will affect them so greatly and it will be that Throne Zone experience that I had in ’97.  I believe that it’s going to be a Devine God encounter.

Sid:  What are you declaring in this song “The Glory of the King?”

Keith:  We are declaring that He rules and reigns in righteousness, His throne will last forever and there is none greater than our great God our King Jehovah.

Sid:  And what’s going to happen in Heaven as this music goes to Heaven, what is happening in the throne room as their hearing this music?

Keith:  I believe that this becomes an antiphonal response, antiphonal meaning some people know this in liturgy, where we release something upon the earth and it goes to the Heavens and we wait because the antiphonal response is when Heaven responds back to earth.  And I believe we see that modeled in Heaven where between the cherubim and the seraphim, but I believe what we’re going is we’re releasing that antiphonal response from earth to the Heavens which puts us on that vertical plane and when we do that I tell people that’s the place where Heaven kisses earth.

Sid:  Okay, you ready?  Let’s hear “The Glory of the King.”

Keith “The Glory of the King Excerpt”

Sid:  That was a little sample of Keith Duncan, and Keith is a forerunner of the music and the worship that is coming to planet earth.  But more important it is a catalyst to get you into the throne zone.  Now I know what’s going to happen to a Worship Leader that gets a hold of this…it’ll be a paradigm shift in their life just as it was for Keith.  But what about the average businessman, the average housewife the average student that’s doing all they can to just hang on there?  What impact will it have when they learn how to get in the throne zone Keith Duncan?

Keith:  I believe that we really have to begin with the understanding that we are merely, we are spiritual bodies having a temporary bodily experience; we’re not earthly bodies having a little bit of a dose of the Holy Spirit here and there.  God has called us to do great works in the Spirit and when we connect with the heart of God and we can hear Him speak into our lives, then we can go forth and we can operate in words of knowledge, or words of wisdom or we can see atmospheres transition as we begin to walk into rooms because the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit is going with us wherever we go we will carry; we are carriers of the glory.  So when you’re in the throne zone you become like a sponge; you soak it up, you take everything you can so that when you go out your on a strategic assignment from the Father to be squeezed out and poured out into whatever area He puts you in.

Sid:  No more same old, same old the most exciting life you’ve ever anticipated is ahead.

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