
On yesterday’s broadcast I was telling you about how Orthodox Jewish Father gave me the opportunity to share the Messiah with him.  And I showed him and I’m sure he saw it for the first time in his life I had a Tenach one that was signed endorsed from the Rabbi of our Orthodox Synagogue he looked that over to make sure it was Kosher.  And then I showed him the prophecies proving that the past, present and even future of Israel was predicted before the fact in the Jewish scriptures.  And so I said “Dad, just as we have all these predictions about Israel and the Jewish people we also have predictions about the Messiah.  For instance the animal sacrifices in the temple we know these were shadows of the Messiah.  And we would take an unblemished lamb and it will be sacrificed and his blood would cover over our sins, but Daniel says “These sacrifices would stop when the temple was destroyed.”  Listen to this, Messiah or some translations say the anointed One shall be cut off die but not for Himself.  In other words, He’s going to die but not for Himself and the people of the Prince in other words that was Titus and his Romans legions history now tells us who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.  That’s exactly what happened; so the Messiah is going to die before the temple is destroyed.  And this would inaugurate a new covenant; Jeremiah 31:31says “That God is going to live not in the temple but inside of us.” A brand new covenant it’s called the Brit Hadasha; “Behold the days are coming says the Lord when I will make a New Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt My covenant which they broke though I was a husband to them says the Lord, but this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days says the Lord I will put my law (that’s the Torah) in their minds, inside of them you see write it on their hearts, right in their hearts.  I will be their God, they shall be my people.  No more shall every man teach his neighbor every man his brother saying “Know the Lord for they shall all know Me.”

So the first thing is God is going to be inside of us not in a building but inside of us. Not in a building but inside of us.

The second thing is that God says that we will now know him not just know about him, we’ll know him. And then God says “I will forgive their iniquity and their sin, I will remember no more.  So not only this is why it’s called a New Covenant but it’s a better Covenant that God has with the Jewish people the Gentiles we find out later are able to be grafted in but God is not just covering our sins it’s better they so disappear. God says “I’ll remember them no more.”

So the question is “How do we know who this Messiah is?”  The problem is not what we’ve been told by the Orthodox Rabbis, but what they’ve conveniently left out and this is what they’ve let out.  The ancient Rabbis believed when they studied the scriptures without prejudice in two Messiahs.  One would usher in an age of peace; Isaiah 11:9 talks about that.  And they called Him Messiah Ben David and we hear that when the Messiah comes there will be peace on Earth.  But what has been conveniently left out is what the ancient Rabbis’ used to teach us and what the Jewish scriptures, the Tenach, clearly teach us is the second Messiah they call Messiah Ben (that means Son) Messiah Son of Joseph.  And just as Joseph was rejected by his own Jewish brothers; just as Joseph was sold for pieces of silver; just as Joseph they thought was dead, and just as Joseph rose to royalty to save the Jewish people; they called him Messiah Ben Joseph.

You read Isaiah 53rd chapter a perfect description of the Messiah.  So rather than what the ancient Rabbis said two Messiahs what about the same Messiah but two appearances.  Once to atone for sin, and have God live inside of us and when he returns after we’ve had a chance to have a lot of Jewish people and Gentiles come under this new covenant when God returns then we will have true shalom, true peace on earth. Now Moses said “Since we Jewish people didn’t follow him and everything that God said to do.” I mean you look at how many times Moses got upset with us; Moses said “God would raise up another Jew like him but he would be better.”  Why would He be better?  God would do with this Jew what He wants to do with unto the New Covenant with all Jews.  And that is put his words inside of him.  And the reason He’d be better than Moses is God says “I will require you to follow Him; you will not have an option this one greater than Moses.”  Who could that be?  That could only be Messiah Ben Joseph, Messiah Ben David who happens to be really one Messiah and that’s Messiah Yeshua, Messiah Jesus.

Now let me read that to you that’s so important Deuteronomy Chapter 18 verse 17 & 18. “And the Lord said to me what they have spoken is good, I will raise up for them a prophet like you, (like Moses) from among their brethren, (that means a Jew). I will put my words in his mouth and he will speak to them all that I command him and it shall be that whoever will not hear My words which he speaks in My Name (this is God speaking) I God will require it of him.”

So how do we know who this Messiah is that we absolutely Jewish people must follow so that we can be under the Brit Hadasha, the New Covenant so that God can be inside of us because there is no temple today?  Well, first we know that he’d be born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2 says “But you Bethlehem Ephrathah though you are little among the thousands of Judah.”  And by the way, it was Bethlehem of Judea.  Do you know how many Bethlehems there were at the time that Jesus was born?  Five, he just happened to be born in Bethlehem of Judea.  “That out of you shall come forth to me the one to be ruler in Israel whose going forth are from of old; from everlasting.”

Also our Messiah would be born of a virgin, Isaiah 7:14 says “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign.”  Now this is something that will be unusual and it won’t be like a normal husband and wife having a child.  “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign, behold the virgin shall conceive and bear and bear a son and shall call his name “Emanuel.”  Do you know what Emanuel just happens to mean?  God is with us, God is with us. Now some translations don’t say virgin, they say young woman, but we know as a fact at that time it meant exclusively virgin.  How do we know this as a fact?  Because 200 years before Jesus came to earth there was a translation of the Hebrew scriptures into Greek, which is called the Septuagint.  And we Jewish people got the 70 top Rabbinic language scholars in the world to do this project and they came up on this particular verse Isaiah 7:14 with a Greek word called “Parthanose” which means exclusively a virgin.  So there will be…and as I said they’re be no miracle sign if a young woman had a child it happens all the time.  But there would be this miracle sign of “A virgin shall conceive.”  And not only that we’re going to call this child “Emanuel, God is with us.”  He’d be from the ancestry of King David, Isaiah 11:10 tells us that.  And as a matter of fact Isaiah 11:10 says “Not only would he be a root of Jesse (that’s David’s father), but the Gentiles would follow him.”  Who do you know that the Gentiles followed as the Messiah? Of course, it’s so obvious but listen there are over 300 specific predictions like this. Now you could read something into something on one or two or ten or twenty or no you can’t read it into a hundred. But 300 give me a break it takes more faith to not believe Jesus is the Messiah then to believe He’s the Messiah.  Listen to this, it says “The Messiah would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver.”  Guess how much he was betrayed for?  Thirty pieces of silver, and the money would be thrown into the temple according to Zechariah chapter 11 verse 12 to 13.  It says, listen to this, “So I took the 30 pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the Lord for the potter.”  He just happened to be buried at a place called the Potters Field, I mean how much more specific can you get?

Well, we’re out of time right now but I have to tell you the best way to reach Jewish people…you need to know these facts but in order to have the privilege of sharing these facts with an open heart with Jewish people you’ve got to walk in the supernatural. And when you walk in the supernatural number one with what’s coming on the late Great Planet Earth only those walking in the supernatural will survive.  You think you’re going to survive because you stored some food and some water and some silver and some gold?  No you’re going to survive because you know your authority; you know who is your God you hear His voice.

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