
Sid: My guests are red hot for the Messiah because you see they got set free from so many problems in their life, and most Christians carry this baggage to the grave and have never felt totally free.  But they’ve not only because their personal journey developed ways for other people to be free but they’ve developed easier ways than what they had to use over the years.  But something intrigues me Chester Kylstra and that is on yesterday’s broadcast we found out that your father died when you were two, your mother remarried and you had problems with your stepfathers and you felt rejection, you felt like an outsider. One day you had a visitation from God which changed everything.  And the walls that you had that unfortunately to protect yourself not from just people but there were walls between you and God; tell me what you felt when you had this God encounter and the walls were removed.

Chester:  Well, that’s probably a big question. It took a little while just to recover from the intensity of the encounter it was like “What had happened to me?” I was not used to these deep wailings coming out of the inside of me.  And Betsy wise woman that she is was driving she just kept driving, Holy Spirit spoke to her and said “Don’t interfere, don’t ask questions” and she just kept quiet.

Sid: I don’t know if my wife started wailing in the backseat I’d pull over to the side to maybe call 911.  Betsy, how did you do that?

Chester: Yeah what’s the matter with you what’s going on, she just kept quiet and kept driving and this must have gone on for about 10 minutes is our best estimate.  I just ended up with a knowing that I know that I know that I know that I’m beloved of the Father, I’m a son of the Most High God and nothing I can do to change that.

Sid: Now there are many men and woman that are listening to us right now and God has streamlined what you’re doing to such a degree just give me a couple ideas right now of a man or woman that’s listening to us right now that have father issues, or even mother issues. What advice would you give them?

Chester:    And these are so common Sid we just see them over and over again because you know our parents are imperfect people and they got the same kind of stuff coming at them as we have coming at us.

Sid: You know I think that it’s bad news but the good news is everyone listening to us right now that thinks your family is a big mess and that everyone else is perfect… Wrong!  Everyone’s family is a big mess until you get this type of help but go ahead.

Chester:  We like to joke and say “We all think our families are normal” and we are were normally dysfunctional it’s just as a matter of how much.  So anyway what the Lord showed us as time went on and we ended up in Bible college one day it sort of like all came together that we all have the same forces or problems in our lives and Jesus has taken care of all of them when He went to the cross.  He’s provided a way but the reason we have to receive them it’s like the provision is there but we have to appropriate.  God has given us what we need, but we have to receive it by faith and as you know Sid faith comes by hearing the Word of God, we learn about God’s promises that’s why you’ve got to radio and TV ministry so you can share God’s Word and get it out there.  And then our faith grows and we say “Oh, if they can do that, if God can do that for Chester and Betsy He can do that for me.”  And that’s totally true God is happy to deal with the four sources in everybody’s life. So I’ll just name them real quick is that what you’d like me to do?

Sid: Yes, but my specific question is someone that has a father issue “What is the first thing you tell them to do?”

Chester:  Okay, well they still go through these four issues the four sources of all of our problems because the father and the mother had the ancestral sins and curses functioning in their lives and this is curse comes out of the second commandment when we have idolatry in our lives.  And we like to say idolatry is anything that we put our trust in and so it’s not just wood and stone statues it’s whatever we put our trust in.  So our ancestors have done that and so their tendency to sin gets passed down to us their children. So that’s the first source of our problems. We’ll blame our ancestors because as I said, they were trapped just like we are. But in our case faith arises because God has told us “I have a way out of this.”

Sid: Give me an example of some of the Sins of the Fathers that have resulted in curses.

Chester:  We were talking about with father and mother issues would be the abandonment which Adam and Eve of course started in our family line as they were disobedient toward God, rebelled and in a sense abandoned God by disobedience.  But all of us experience abandonment because the human race is now wounded. So that’s our main father/mother issue but they’re probably struggling with an area we call “Shame, Fear, Control” as well and so they control us trying to keep their shame covered, then we get mad and hurt because of being controlled, so that’s why we have father and mother issues.  And you know the rebellious teenager is such an example of that in how we as parents just don’t know how to talk to our children.

Sid: And when the children play out our problems we get twice as mad and we don’t even realize they’re just imitating what we’re doing.

Chester & Betsy:   Yep and it’s so common we make judgments against our parents.  Like “I’ll never treat my children the way you treated me or something like that and…

Sid: And you know what I found when people make those judgments they end up doing the same thing.

Chester:  Exactly, and they hate it. They say “Why am I doing this, I don’t want to be doing this and yet here I am doing it I’m hollering at my kids just like my mother hollered at me.”  And that’s it’s the tangled mess of ancestral sins and curses as we call it come out of second commandment.  The belief system that we have that we formed from the wounds and stuff growing up in our family.

Sid: Give me a couple of that you call it “Ungodly Beliefs,” give me a couple examples of Ungodly Beliefs.”

Chester:  Betsy’s got a couple.

Sid: Alright Betsy.

Betsy:  Sid if we’re thinking especially about broken families and people who felt rejected by their father or their mother a typical example would be “I will always be unlovable.”  That deep rejection would come out in that ungodly belief.  And then another one might be “I will always hate my parents” so they might be still carrying that anger and bitterness towards their parents.  So there are a whole variety of ungodly beliefs.

Chester:    Probably the core one though is “My parents are not capable of taking care of me or parenting me and I have to do it myself.”  And that is so common among all of us, we just set ourselves up to be loners.

Sid: Alright the third area that you talk about, and you have prayers for are “Soul and Spirit Hurts.”  Give me some examples of that.

Betsy:  Well, recently we were working with a man who felt… actually was a pastor, and he just felt very, very separated from God and he had felt very separated and rejected by his own father.  And as we simply asked Holy Spirit show him a place where you want to heal. He went back to a place where his father he was trying desperately to communicate something with his father and his father was totally preoccupied and wasn’t listening and wasn’t interested. And then as he asked Jesus “Would You come and be there with me in this situation, Yeshua just began to minister to his heart and say “You are lovable, I do care, you are my beloved son, I’ll always listen to you.”  And then we did another thing Sid, which healed his heart.

Chester: Which healed his heart and had a big impact.

Betsy:  And we find it so much easier to change your belief system once your heart has been healed.

Chester: Yeah.

Sid: Do you find that when people go through these four steps of the integrated approach that their prayers are answered and their hearing God improves?

Betsy:  We do find that their hearing God improves and sometimes we have to get something’s out of the way in the process like generational unbelief and that kind of thing, and sometimes demonic oppression and sometimes unforgiveness. But as we go through the different areas and major hindrances are cleared out of the way people feel that know that they’re hearing God so much better. Many times they come out of the session saying “You know I just feel like I’ve been born again, again.

Sid: I know, I’ve been reading about this…



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