Sid: I’ve started doing something, this week as you know Monday is the Biblical festival of Shavuot, otherwise known as Pentecost. It’s a Jewish festival from the Jewish scriptures, but when you understand it, and what it represents. It represents so clearly the next, the greatest, and the last move of God’s Spirit, the emergence of the One New Man.
So I wanted to tell you something that you must be doing at this moment because 2 is an important number for Shavuot, or Pentecost. We’re between 2 moves of God’s Spirit, so what should you be doing. I tell you get ready for the greatest move of God’s Spirit in history. The way you get ready is you get closer to God. Don’t you say “Things are dead at my church” maybe they are dead, but that has nothing to do with what I’m talking about, stop being critical of your church, stop being critical of your pastor. This is your time to get close to God because we’re about ready to have the greatest move of God’s Spirit, and I you part of I’m going to be part of it. I feel like Joshua he says “As for me and my house we’re serving the Lord.” Well you’re part of my Mishpochah, you’re part of my family I want you serving the Lord. This is what I’ve been doing this is what God’s told me to do and I believe God’s telling me to tell you to do this also. I get up an hour earlier every morning and I spend time with God in a way that I never did in my entire life because I’m the type of person that I’m a doer, I’m not a sit quiet type of guy. This is what I’ve been doing, at this time I pray just a couple of minutes, but then I’m still for about an hour. I don’t pray in tongues at that time, I don’t pray in English at that time, I’m just still. This is the way I pray I say “Holy Spirit I’m so glad that you’re with me, I’m so glad that you’re my comforter, I’m so glad you’re telling me things that are going to happen in the future, I’m so glad that you’re revealing scripture to me, I’m so glad that Jesus said we should are so grateful that He died and rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father because you would be with us and you would lead us and guide us. What are we going to do today I’m excited about what you’re going to do today. I’m reminded of Corrie Ten Boom and she said “I look at myself as a glove” and she held up a plastic glove there was nothing in it no hand or anything. It looked like it was just a glove, then all of a sudden she put her hand in and said “This is the Holy Spirit inside of the glove,” and she began moving her fingers. Holy Spirit I want to be like that glove I want you to be so filled within me fill me Holy Spirit that my thoughts will be God’s thoughts. Then I begin to take my various senses and I say “In the name of Jesus my eyes I want to be able to see what is going on in heaven on earth” because that is what Jesus told us. Jesus said “Pray thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” So if I can see what’s going on in heaven I can understand what God’s doing on earth and I can cooperate with this. I said “Take my ears I want to hear what’s going on in heaven on earth. Take my brain I want to think here on earth the way you think in heaven. Take my nose I want to smell what’s going on in heaven on earth. I would much rather smell what’s going on in heaven than what’s going on in earth. Take my mouth let me speak what you’re doing in heaven let me speak it out on earth. Take my heart you know Father God I need a new heart Your word talks about you’re going to give us this new heart and I want a heart that can operate in the ‘Shema’ that’s Deuteronomy 6:4 a heart that loves you with all of my heart, with all of my soul, with all of my mind, with all of my strength, and heart that loves my neighbor as myself. I can’t drum that up only you can change my heart almighty God. Give me a heart with compassion, compassion for the hurting and the broken and the wounded. Not a performance game, not a religion game, but reality and truth I want reality you want reality how can two get together, walk together, unless they be agreed. We’re agreed God, we’re going to walk together this day.”
Then I’m reminded of what David said. David said “I see the Lord before me at my right hand,” then there was a New Covenant understanding it was a prophecy of Jesus at the right hand of God, but I believe it also was literal. I believe King David literally could see the Lord right before him at his right hand. Lord I want to see you before me at my right hand I know you’re praying for me. As a matter of fact the best way I know to be changed… this is the way I pray I really do! This is the emus the best way I can be changed is to come into Your presence, to come into Father God’s presence and I want to go to the Holy of Holies right now. Holy Spirit take me to the Holy of Holies. I can see myself transported into the Holy of Holies. I begin to worship God, but I’m not even worshipping Him I’m letting my heart touch Him. I’m being still I’m letting my heart soar into the heavenly. I’m with Jesus and I’m with the Father and God is changing my heart. As His life comes into me I’m being healed I’m being healed in my spirit, and in my soul, and my body. As His life comes into you you’re being healed and you’re being equipped for end time ministry. God wants you to hear His voice, He wants to know what’s going on in heaven so you can proclaim it on earth. Yes we have the word, but you know what? It is so wonderful to have the word that say’s “My sheep hear My voice” and this next move of God’s Spirit is going to be so different from anything we’re used to that most people are going to prefer the dried up variety of Christianity rather than the great outpouring of God’s Spirit. But as for me and my house we are going to be involved in the great outpouring of God’s Spirit. I pray that the church I’m part of, and I pray that the church you’re part of will be involved in the outpouring of God’s Spirit, but man likes to hold onto tradition. Well tradition and a dime won’t get you a cup of coffee anywhere that I know of. I want reality, I want God what about you? I’ll tell you something else without holiness you won’t see God. Without operating in love loving your neighbor as yourself and loving God with all your heart, spirit, soul, and body you’re not going to be used in these last days.
God is telling me to watch out of my criticism. I am not called to be a critic, I am called to be a blesser, I’m called to bless everyone and anything and I’m being changed. The question is, are you being changed, are you sitting in the seat of criticism, or are you sitting in the seat of intimacy with God where you can’t wait to tell people about God? You can’t wait to see someone walking with a limp in the shopping mall. You say you’ve run up and you’ve prayed for that person and nothing has happened. Well big deal! First of all you don’t know nothing has happened, you don’t know what happened, you don’t know what happened the next day, you don’t know what because you put anointed hands on that person and the changes that went on in their body. Your job is to be obedient, and I’m going to tell you something if God can trust you with little things He can trust you with big things. We’re coming into the greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit. I’m saying you’re going to be part of it.
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth