Steven Brooks

Sid: We want everywhere to be red hot for the Messiah. Let me tell you something, you will if you’re not if you listen to us long enough you will catch it. In fact that’s what my guest Steven Brooks says that when you get the teaching that he gives you begin to catch it, you begin to see it and you begin to experience it consistently. Steven you operate in the gifts of healing what is that?

Steven: Healing basically is a restoration of your body back to a healed condition. A person could have been sick, they could have injured your body and it’s bringing that body back into a healed state by the power of God. And so we have the gifts of healings as plural…

Sid: And a lot of people miss that, they think that it’s the gift of healing. But in the Greek it’s gifts plural, why is it gifts versus gift?

Steven: That’s a great question, in my line of ministry I have to pray for all types of sick people but you can still notice as these gifts are released in the Body of Christ you can be a person who may not have an anointing to pray for blind people but you can have a tremendous gifting to pray for those that have a back problems or maybe knee problems. So the gifts of healings is plural and you can have an anointing to pray for a specific condition and you can develop that and become very strong in it.

Sid: Not only can you develop it but I personally believe if you contend like it tells us to pray for prophesy, if you contend for the gifts at some point God’s going to meet you. God met you on the gifts of healing. Tell me about the day that you were anointed for that.

Steven: I’ll never forget it Sid, it was a special day in my life. Up to this point I’d been in the ministry for 10 years and I functioned primarily as a prophet and as a teacher. I would go to meetings and minister the word and then I’d sometimes prophecy over every person in the meeting. That was the primarily the limit of my ministry. But one day while traveling on to my next meeting I stopped in Texas and stayed at my brother’s house for a few days. I was sitting in the living room of my brother’s home we were taking when suddenly my daughter came running into the living room screaming and crying and she said “Daddy they’re all over me, get them off of me.” And I said “What?” And she said “Well the fire ants.” Well what had happened she had already brushed them off, they had fallen off but she had gotten bit about 35 times. She had red welts breaking out all over her legs.

Sid: So she felt that they were still there because the pain was there.

Steven: That’s right and she was scared and a little bit hysterical and so I took her to a side room and I said “I’m going to pray for you.” And when I laid my hands on her legs a heat came upon my hands for the first time, my hands became like they were on fire. I laid my hands on her legs and every single red welt just instantly disappeared. Then she went right out no more pain, no more crying. I said “Lord, what was that I’ve never had that happen before. He said “From this day forward you will operate in the gifts of healings.” I said Lord, “Why have you given me this gift?” He said, “I just want to bless you, I love you you’ll always have this gift for the rest of your ministry.”

Sid: Let me ask you a question that comes to mind. What is your favorite healing you’ve seen when you’ve operated in this gift, what comes to mind?

Steven: What comes to mind is a classic example of a healing that a person received because they simply released their faith. She was a young girl, she was about 16 years of age. I was going down the healing line and I probably prayed for about 400 people, she was the last person in line. And she had scoliosis of the spine and it was a severe case of scoliosis of the spine. She had to wear a back brace every day of her life 22 hours out of every 24 hours. So as I worked my way down towards the end of the line she told her mother she said “Mom I want to take off the back brace I’m going to have Steven Brooks pray for me and I believe Jesus will heal me.” She got in line and I said “What do you need prayer for?” She said “Scoliosis of the spine” and I prayed for her. Now Sid when I prayed for her I was under a healing anointing but I didn’t feel like anything spectacular. I didn’t hear angels singing in the background…

Sid: You know what? I think many of us get faked out because we don’t have a good feeling. In fact, I have to tell you my favorite story about a man in heaven his name is Kenneth Hagen.

Steven: Hmm!

Sid: And he was at my home congregation ministering and he had everyone come forward that was sick and he laid hands on them. Well he laid hands on everyone there and everyone fell over in the Spirit except one woman. She was from France, she was the aunt of one of the members in our congregation. She had a horrible cancer tumor, of the brain, malignant and no hope. She was the only one that didn’t go down, so my peanut brain said “She’s not healed.”

Steven: Right.

Sid: She gets back to France, goes to the doctor, total miracle occurred. No feeling, only one of 100 people that didn’t fall over. (Laughing)

Steven: Sure we have to remember that all of the gifts operate by faith.

Sid: Now, let’s go back to that 16 year old.

Steven: So when I prayed for her I knew that there was an anointing but it’s not like super tangible where you could just feel power flowing. But never the less I knew the Lord touched her and so she went back to her chair the meetings over. And I left town and continued to the next meeting, but the pastor called me 2 days later. He said “Brother Steven he said “The next morning when she woke up she got out of bed and her back was completely healed.” She had a doctor’s appointment that day, she went to the doctor with her mother and they walked into the doctor’s office and the doctor said “Oh, my Lord what happened to your back?” She said “The Lord Jesus has healed me.” He thoroughly examined her back and she was completely healed after having wearing a back brace everyday of her life. And the back specialist also came in who would make the adjustment on the vice that she had to wear every day to tighten it or loosened it he came in and also examined her and he was notified that his services were no longer needed.

Sid: I’ve got to ask you this question I ask my guest this often because it’s something I’m trying to understand. I know that the gifts of the Spirit are from God. I know that people are healed. But we all… you’re a pastor.

Steven:   Yes.

Sid: You bump into people that have sat under your teaching and they’re still not healed and they end up dying. Well let’s not talk about them, but why are some people healed and others are not and they’re sitting under the same teaching. I’ve known you’ve pondered this.

Steven: Right, there’s some things that we’ll never know. I think that there’s an area where the secret things belong to the Lord and you can never fully look into a person’s heart. A person can say “I believe, I have faith, I believe, I have faith.” But you still can’t really look in there only the Lord can to see if maybe there’s something in there those intangibles that we can’t touch. Maybe it’s unforgiveness, maybe they’re mad at somebody that they’re not willing to let that go. And you ask them “Have you forgiven everybody, everything good?” “Oh yes Pastor Steven I’ve made everything right with the Lord.” But see you can’t overstep that area that’s personal in people’s lives so a lot of this we’ll never know so that’s just between them and the Lord. All I know is that we just have to keep on praying for the people because many will receive and many will take those blessings by faith that God intends for them to have.

Sid: In your book you talk about a Greek word for the English word “desire.” We are to desire spiritual gifts. What does that really mean in the Greek?

Steven: Well in the fullness it means we are to have a burning on fire boiling point desire to go after these gifts. Now these are grace gifts in other words we can’t earn them, we can’t say “Well Lord I did 10,000 spiritual pushups so therefore I deserve the gifts.” They are received by faith through grace but at the same time the other side of that coin is that we have to desire them. Somebody might say “Well if God wants me to have them I guess He’ll just give them to me.” Well it doesn’t work like that, He said “You are to desire these gifts.” So we have to pursue the Lord so that these gifts will be manifested in our lives. And when we do that we show God that we’re hungry and He’ll certainly answer our prayers.

Sid: Just briefly because I know that you’re a prophet, what do you see happening to believers in the near future in the operation of these gifts? Do you see us getting into a whole new level?

Steven: I see a move of God that is so powerful that what we would recognize as the ministers or the speakers it will be too much. In other words the ministers cannot hold it down so the Body of Christ has to take their place. So the Body of Christ has to be anointed, the Body of Christ needs to operate in the gifts of the Spirit and if there’s sick people that the minister can’t get to then there needs to be believers who have knowledge of the gifts of the Spirit who will put a reliance and trust upon the Lord to empower them to go over there and lay hands on the sick and God will do miracles through them.

Sid: But you know even beyond that, the people that we want to reach they are not in the church.

Steven: Absolutely.    

Sid: They’re in school, they’re in offices, they’re were you shop. They’re the doctors, they’re the attorneys and hat if you bring Jesus to them rather than expect them to come to you as a nonbeliever?

Steven: Right, see I believe that old statement that “Divine healing is the dinner bell for the lost.” So when that bell is rung people will come to Christ. There’s a certain element where sometimes an unbeliever they don’t care what you really teach as long as you can get their sick daughter healed okay. So I believe that God has his people in many different career paths. And right where you’re at a person can reach and make an impact with the power of the Holy Spirit right where they’re at because that person may never come to church, but you can pray for that person right there to watch God’s power flow right there.

Sid: I have to believe that we’re coming into such… This is what I see, Kathryn Kulhman used say “I see Christians going into hospitals and clearing them all out every sick person.” I see students going into schools where they’re being taught these horrible horrific anti-God things, and walking in signs and wonders and the administration can’t even control it because the kids are so hungry for it. Woops we’re out of time…

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