
Sid: I’ve been trying to yield to the Spirit of God this week demonstrating what should happen in a One New Man Congregation. Yes it’s okay to have an agenda but it’s more okay to please God.

I was talking about Kathryn Kuhlman yesterday and if I learned one thing from Kathryn Kuhlman it was like she would say a statement like “Please don’t grieve the Holy Spirit He’s all that I have.” And those that never had the privilege of being in a Kathryn Kuhlman service with all of the great miracle ministries around today that I have seen I don’t know anyone that moves in the power that she moved in. But I tell you I have some encouragement. Remember Anna Roundtree that I interviewed that’s been to heaven a couple of hundred times and she saw the angels in training, in training to assist believers that will be going into the highways and byways and walking in that same miracle power that Jesus walked in. The same miracle power that Paul walked in, the same miracle power that Kathryn Kuhlman walked in but it won’t just be a Paul, it won’t just be a Kathryn Kuhlman, it wouldn’t just be a Benny Hinn. Thousands she saw these angels in training and she said that God told her that there would be assigned to each believer that is seeking intimacy with God right now two angels. And your angels are in training right now and you’re in training right now. You’ve been wondering what’s been going on in your life you’re in training right now and they’re in training and real soon you’re going to have 2 friends 2 angels that will accompany you. And you know it’s really a phenomenal thing I see lots of healings when I go to congregations when I speak but percentage wise I see more miracles outside of the church than in the church. Well you say “I don’t see them.” Well how many people are you praying for I mean I’m almost amazed when I pray for someone in the highways and byways so to speak in the restaurants or in the shopping malls if they’re not healed I totally expect it. So I’m kind of walking a little bit not to any degree compared to what’s coming. I’m walking in this realm and I see it. Now what is going to happen when in every city 100’s of people are walking with their 2 angels into the mall? I mean when Kathryn Kuhlman and Benny Hinn and the news investigative shows really make mockery out of these things when they lay hands on people and someone is slain in the Spirit they fall over because you can’t stand in the presence of God. And yes I understand that a lot of people cooperate and I understand a lot of people “Oh I don’t want to be the only one that doesn’t fall down.” But I’m not talking about that nonsense that psychological nonsense I’m talking about the reality when the Spirit of God really comes on someone you cannot stand and if you can’t stand I suggest you fall you know what I mean. But I can picture in the shopping mall you reach your hand out to pray for that person with a crutch that’s got a cast on their foot and not only do they fall over, and no catcher I might add (Laughing). It reminds me of Amie Simple McPherson she started those of the Four Square denomination and she had a great miracle ministry and she refused to have catchers. She said you know why if God’s putting you on your back you’re not going to hurt yourself but if it’s not God you deserve to hurt yourself. But that was before the million dollar lawsuit. So I understand why we have catchers today. But I can picture going into the shopping mall now no one is going to fall to cooperate in a shopping mall especially non believers and if they fall that’s God. But I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen you’re going to reach your hand out and that person that’s got that broken leg and their going to fall over backwards and probably you’ll hear a crack the cast is going to break. And if they’re going to start walking and then they’ll say “It’s healed.” But when they go over I’m envisioning it being like bowling pins, I’m envisioning you getting a strike. (Laughing) I’m envisioning all 10 people around you all going over in the Spirit in a shopping mall. Now if that doesn’t demand a platform I don’t know what does and you’ll reach more people with the gospel with that one chance encounter in the shopping mall than in your church has reached in the last 10 years.

Do you understand? Why? I believe God’s in a hurry have you noticed time is compressing, it’s like where did last year go? Have you asked that of yourself? Where did it go? I just blinked my eyes and 2002 disappeared. I’ll tell you where it went time is supernaturally being compressed. Look what’s going on in the world. Look what’s going on wars and rumors of wars. I mean our president doesn’t know which front to go work on right now because there’s so many potential countries coming up with atomic warfare it’s… I wouldn’t want his job for anything in the world. By the way, if you’re not praying for him daily shame on you start putting President Bush on your prayer list daily and pray that he not be a man pleaser but be a God pleaser. The potential is there but he needs your help in prayer.

So I believe that these angels when they’re released we’re going to see such miraculous things happening God is going to do a quick work because it’s God’s mercy before judgment and judgment is coming and it’s coming quickly. And I want you I want to be, I want those 2 angels assigned to me and I want those 2 angels assigned to you and let’s take our cities for the Messiah.

So anyway what was I talking about do you remember I’m talking to Bob and Janie. I told you what I was doing I’m yielding to the Spirit of the Living God. But Joyce did the TV show with Kathryn Kuhlman and I did the television show with Kathryn Kuhlman and I remember I was a member of an organization called “The Hebrew Christian Alliance.” There were oh maybe 15 of us or so maybe even less in the active group. Sometimes a few more, sometimes a few less and one day the Vice President of the organization I was the President. His name was Paul Lieberman and Paul said “I got a problem Sid my wife won’t go to a Gentile church his wife wasn’t saved.” And she said “Maybe someday I might believe like you Paul but I’m never going into a Gentile church I can’t take it.”

So Paul being the mover and shaker that he is came to me and he said “Sid we need a Messianic Jewish Congregation.” I had just gotten set free from traditional Judism I’d just gotten set free by Jesus. I knew that God was real, I knew that I was going to heaven I knew that I could pray and He’d answer my prayers. I had my marriage restored, my mind restored, everything about me restored and he wants me to now go back to that? I said “Paul you’re nuts but I believe in a democracy we’ll just… we had a picnic and so we said “Let’s have a vote if you want to have a Messianic Jewish Service next Friday night we’ll have 1 if we like it we’ll have 2 then all in favor say I.” And I was shocked the majority said “It’s a good idea so we had to do it.”

So I remember I went to my dad and I said “Dad how do I run a Shabbat Service?” And he kicked me out of the house he thought I was mocking him. (Laughing) he really, he literally did. So I got a hold of a prayer book and we had our first service and you know what it was pretty good. Do you know what made it good to me I’m an evangelist I want to see souls Jewish people got saved so we had another service. And more Jewish people were getting saved. It was a wave of the Holy Spirit Jewish people were coming into the Lord and there was such life and there was such vitality and I didn’t know anything I was 1 year old in the Lord. And Paul and he didn’t know anything more than I knew he was a little younger than I was I think. But that congregation is in existence today and I’ll tell you we had a move of the Holy Spirit where we knew nothing but Jesus and Him crucified and that He’s real and that He’s a God of miracles and that we were grateful. And we had a zeal you know we had something back then yes it was a legitimate move of God’s Spirit but we had something back then that was like it was childlike faith and then we got very professional we hired a Rabbi and we got bigger and bigger but you know what fewer and fewer Jewish people started coming to the Lord the more organized we got. And then I got kind of disinterested but that’s the story of how Beth Messiah Congregation in Rockville, Maryland got started which is still in existence today. But I’m so grateful for that congregation and I’ll tell you why. As a result of the congregation my wife came to become a believer in Jesus. I don’t know any other way that she would have been a believer. You see what we would do was we would present from the scripture and we had a Rabbi at that time his name was Manny Brotman and he knew the Old Covenant the way most Christians know the New Covenant and the truth of the matter is that there’s nothing new in the New Covenant is in the Old Covenant in a hidden form. And so he would Manny would at every service he would go line upon line in the scripture and he would show how the entire history of the Jewish people was written before it happened. And my wife saw these and then he would show how everything about Jesus is in the Jewish scriptures. Every aspect of His life and she came to a point where she said “Remember that spark when she was a little child and walked down the altar in the Southern Baptist Church?” It says “Train up a child in the ways of the Lord and when they’re old they’ll not depart.” I’ll tell you what she had that original commitment she made to the Lord as a child that was stolen from her when she had some flesh to the bones, when she saw the prophecies about Israel and the Jewish people this was her quote she said “I had to believe.” She literally said “I had to believe.” Now we know we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual principalities and powers of darkness but I tell you there is nothing like the word of God and the Spirit of God and the miracles of God to cause anyone anywhere to become red hot for the Messiah. Well we had a move of God’s Spirit back then but I tell you what we’re going to have a move of God’s Spirit I believe it’s started right now.

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