
SID: This understanding, I have never heard a message, a sermon on understanding. Yet you told me. You researched it. How many times is “understanding” in the Bible?

SHANE: Over 300 times, Sid.

SID: More than grace? More than belief? All these things that we have messages on.

SHANE: Exactly. And God focuses on understanding because whatever God says is the understanding. Where we come into fault is whenever God speaks to us and then we say, hmm, okay, I hear what you’re saying, now how can I do that, we begin to lean to our own understanding. And the Word of God says, “Lean not to your own understanding.” Whatever God has spoken he has already put all the thought needed into what he has said.

SID: Give me your best definition of understanding.

SHANE: Understanding, Sid, is revealed insight. Only God can reveal it and that’s what makes it understanding. That’s why God said, “All thy getting, get understanding.”

SID: Excuse me. Something jumped out at me when you said that. Do you know what God says? Not in some of your getting, in all of your getting.


SID: Get understanding. How do you pray for understanding? How do you recommend we pray for understanding?

SHANE: Oh Sid, just as Jesus taught us in Matthew 6, when he taught us how to pray he said, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done” before “give us this day our daily bread”. So we have to ask the Father, here’s the situation, ask the Father, how do you want to handle this? What is your understanding of the situation? I want to see what you see. Once we get his will on Earth, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, then we know what to ask for, that daily bread. So I need your understanding so I know how to pray. So that is how we get understanding. And you know what, Sid? We never have to ask God, will you give me understanding. I’ve searched the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Everyone who got understanding they literally requested it. They said, give me understanding. The Word of God, “Give me understanding and I shall keep thy law. Yea, I shall serve it with my whole heart.” I cannot keep nor observe your law until I get your understanding. I can’t minister in the gifts of the Spirit until I get your understanding. I can’t have a successful marriage until I get your understanding. My business will fail, Father, if I don’t get your understanding, which is the key and is the attraction to all success.

SID: You know, people use the natural and they think they’re using the supernatural. But the natural is confined to the limited thinking we have.

SHANE: That’s right.

SID: Whereas the supernatural, there’s no limit to what God has knowledge of.

SHANE: Amen.

SID: I mean, why would you want to deal with this amount of knowledge when you can deal with this amount of knowledge?

SHANE: Exactly. Sid, the Holy Spirit taught me years ago, God is only responsible for one thing and one thing only: His Word.

SID: What do you say is ultimate success?

SHANE: Sid, ultimate success is when we fulfill God’s original intent for our lives.

SID: There is, you say, there is an attractiveness.


SID: Even a favor when we grasp supernatural understanding. Explain.

SHANE: Exactly. Because what happens is whenever, let’s say you go to look for a job. When you look for a job, a lot of people are attracted to the big titles, the big salaries, the big corner office. They want all of these things. They’re attracted to those jobs, but what attracts the jobs to us? God himself said, “If you get the understanding,” that’s why he says, “In all thy getting, get understanding,” success is attracted to it. The job title is attracted to it. It’s attached to it. The wealth is attached to it.

SID: Give me a few keys.

SHANE: Oh the keys, you know, when Jesus said to Peter after he asked his disciples, “Who do men say that I am and who do you say that I am.” And then Peter himself said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Then Jesus said, “I’m going to give you the keys of the Kingdom.” But Sid, I couldn’t find anywhere in the Word of God where Jesus literally gave Peter the keys. I wanted them so I could have that power. He said, “Whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, loose on Earth, loosed in Heaven.” So the Holy Spirit said to me, “Get a chronological Bible and right where Jesus gave Peter that promise I want you to find every time Jesus said something or something was referred to Peter from that point on in the presence of Jesus, and I will show you keys.” Sid, I found ten keys, ten keys of the Kingdom. And one of the keys happened whenever they were on Mount Transfiguration and Peter, James and John were so afraid. Peter was so afraid. The Bible says, he didn’t know what else to say, so he said, “Let us make tabernacles, one for you, one for Moses, one for Elijah.” And a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud and said, “This is my son. Hear him.” The Holy Spirit said to me, “This is one of the keys of the Kingdom that you need to know. Don’t fear. Hear.” Many times we face situations and immediately we fear. No, no, don’t fear. Hear. Hear what I am saying to you. Another time occurred when Jesus was approached by the one and only Peter, and you know what he said? “Jesus,” evidently someone did something to him, “how often am I supposed to forgive my brother, seven times?” Jesus said, “No, 70 times seven.” That was a key right there. The Holy Spirit said to me, “Another key of the Kingdom that will give you power is unforgiveness is illegal for you and everyone else.” Then he further taught me, “You must forgive on contact. Right at the instance of the offense you have to forgive. Live a life of forgiveness.” There are total of ten keys that if we live this life we will have power. Do you remember when Peter went up with John to the Temple and there was a lame man there, and long story short, he said, “Look on us.” So he looked and received something, and he said, “Silver and gold have I none such as I have, give I thee.” What did he have? The keys. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the man rose up and he walked. That’s the power that we can have when we take the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, we just literally see the understanding of Heaven’s culture.

SID: I’ll tell you what. I need you to pray right now for supernatural understanding for our viewers. Would you do that?

SHANE: I promise. Father, I just thank you, by Yeshua, we thank you, Father God, for this opportunity right now. And I speak to every human spirit by the power of God and I thank you Lord God for releasing understanding, right now, revealing insight to everyone watching, everyone listening, and I apply the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that would dare, dare, dare come, every foul force that would dare come against it, the blood of Jesus prevails right now. And Father, I thank you that not only do they receive understanding, but the power that comes with the understanding. Thank you, Lord God, that even as the spiritual realm does not open up to us, but we must open up to the supernatural realm, Father God, I pray for that release right now that they would open up to the supernatural realm to see what is to happen, to see what you’re seeing, to hear as you want us to hear right now. In the mighty and maximus name of Yeshua, it is so. It is so. Amen. Hallelujah.

SID: And the Messiah said, “It is finished.”

SHANE: Hallelujah. Amen.

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