
Sid: My guest right here in the studio is Curry Blake. Curry supernaturally came into came into the possession of manual that John G. Lake put together. You see John G. Lake taught believers how to pray for the sick. He literally told the people he trained “You go out to a sick person and you’re not allowed to come back until that person is healed.” They verified over 100,000 healing miracles in Spokane, Washington. It was known as the healthiest city in the United States. We don’t see these results today I believe that as Curry told me yesterday this manual was literally hidden and supernaturally came into his possession and he teaches from this manual seminars. Curry Blake how does this teaching differ from the current understanding of healing today?  There are some people that say “I need to hear a Rhema word from God to know that I’m healed.” There are other people that say “You can’t be in unbelief or you can’t be in unforgiveness or you have to be a sold out believer in Jesus to be healed.” I mean I can write books on excuses as to why people are not healed. And the truth is we’re not seeing the results that the Bible says that we’re supposed to see, we’re not seeing the same miracles that Jesus did. We’re not seeing hospitals cleared out. We’re not seeing everyone healed, but yet you’re seeing these things.

Curry: Yes Sir.

Sid: What is the difference what John G. Lake do, what do you do that’s different than all of the current generation?

Curry: Well what you say about books being written about excuses and there are books being written or they call them reasons for why people receiving healing. But they are excuses because it always comes back on the believer. The main difference…

Sid: And by the way and that’s why the whole message by many people it’s rejected because every one of us has friends that stood on the promises and died.

Curry: Right.

Sid:  And so I mean and it ends up hurting people’s faith as a reason.

Curry: Right.

Sid:  As a result of it.

Curry: And it brings a reproach on the name of Christ that’s what it does because we’re proclaiming from one side that the perfect nature of God and the perfect message of God and yet people are seeing a small pittance of it actually working. And they’re having few results and like they say they get hurt and they die and different things like that take place. And the difference, the main difference the way I categorize it is that there is a general way that the church in general minister to the sick or prays for the sick is that they what I call the “Troubling of the water.” They wait for the angel to come down to the pool of Bethesda and trouble the water.  And Jesus did not wait for the troubling of the water Jesus went about doing good He set out he went out. He didn’t wait until Satan knocked on his door he went out and knocked on Satan’s door.  He went out and took…He said “That the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church.” So either the church which is here today is not the church Jesus built because the gates of hell are prevailing against it or we haven’t seen it the right way. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church. And in the difference in what we do is that when…

Sid: So when someone changed and it’s not God since the Bible says “He doesn’t change.” It’s us.

Curry: Exactly, exactly and the main change the main difference has been is that we do not accept responsibility. The disciples I mean it started back with Jesus “Let’s do what Jesus did if you do what Jesus did you’ll get the same results. So the main thing is that you just go back to the Bible don’t read anything into it, don’t read anything out of it and don’t speculation around it and just do exactly what it says and it will work. That’s the main thing that Dr. Lake did he just took the Bible for the word of God and believed it. He started acting on it his most humble saying “One that I live by today one of the Hallmarks that I live by is a law of the spirit of man or a mind of man.” That it is easier that I can act myself into believing faster than I can believe myself into acting. So we as a church we have tried to believe our self into acting.  We keep thinking that if I keep studying, if I keep getting enough word eventually it’s going to overflow and it’s just going to happen. Friend that does not happen, it does not happen.  If that were to happen that’s the same way that you would have got born again.  But when you got born again you got fed up with sin, you got fed up with living in sin and you decided to turn to the Messiah. That’s the whole key when you get fed up with sickness and disease and you turn to Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our God that heals. then you will start to see sickness and disease starting to fade away because you’ll start to approach it as an enemy and not as a secondary will of God. Well God’s teaching me something from this. If that were true learn it and get out of it because that is not God’s will that you be sick that you learn from sickness and disease. He would rather teach you in health, he would rather…if that was true He could have not put sickness and disease under the curses of Deuteronomy 28 He would have had to say “Well some diseases are.” But He said “None of these diseases but every other disease is under the curse.” So it’s under the curse and not a blessing.

Sid: I believe and correct me if I’m wrong but I believe that God anointed John G. Lake to teach these principals so that the people he taught would receive the same understanding and anointing that he had. There is like an anointing on the teaching it wasn’t just the teaching it was the anointing on the teaching. And what I believe is that God’s given you that same mantle of anointing to teach that same information.

Curry: Honestly I believe you’re correct to a degree I don’t want to emphasize that difference in me because then people say “Well we’re not expected to do what you do.” The fact is that everyone’s expected to do what I do which is to pray for any person sick….

Sid: No but I believe that you’re equipped to people to move in this.

Curry: That I do agree with that I do agree with that. God has..I do believe that God has gifted me as a teacher to be able to bring these things out and explain them in a way that people can grab a hold of it. He allows me to be somewhat of a shepherd in that I can herd the people in the right direction and point them in the right direction so that might get the information,

Sid: Now you told me there was literally a twisting in the understanding of the church when they moved away from their Jewish roots.

Curry: Oh yeah.

Sid: Tell me what affect this had.

Curry: Well we have in our society as a whole but also in the church we have taken the Greek or Roman-Greco method of instruction of herding everybody into one room and sitting them all down and one man standing up and teaching them.

Sid: It’s called entertainment.

Curry: That’s exactly right and that’s about all that comes out of it they leave and to home and nothing’s changed. Well that’s what we’ve done with the ministry we herd them in, we teach them a bunch of information. There is literally no impartation but there’s information. And they get this information when they complete they get a certificate and “Now you’re on your own now go out and practice what we taught you.” That’s not the Hebrew method, it was the correct method that’s why Jesus used it.

Sid: Alright what was the Hebrew method?

Curry: Gather people together, tell them what you’re going to tell them demonstrate it and then expect them to do it. And actually show them hands on training apprenticeship type method of training.

Sid: The best Bible college in the world is to walk in the footsteps of Jesus just watch what He does and then do it.

Curry: Exactly.

Sid: That’s the method.

Curry: Yep.

Sid: But it’s so so twisted today but I believe we’re coming back to a restoration of all things and the part that you are playing right now is the restoration in the healing. Because all of us if we’re honest we say “Yes we believe in healing, yes we’ve seen people healed but we’re not seeing that high of percentage and you are.”

Curry: Yes Sir.

Sid: Because there’s a difference in the way you’re approaching it.

Curry: Yes.

Sid: And a difference in the way John G. Lake approached it and the difference in the way that John G. Lake approached it.

Curry: Right actually there was several differences but one of the main ones was the best characterized by a letter that Dr. Lake wrote to Carrie Judd Montgomery on April 22, 1911 and in that letter I’m just going to give you a couple of excerpts out of it. One of them he says:

I wrote some time ago to a missionary by the name of Hoover, at Valparaiso, Chile on the subject of divine healing which in bodies which I regard as the secret of the aggressive ministry of healing that the Pentecostal movement of South Africa demonstrates. And later he says I feel sister that there is a step in this ministry in advance of what the movement in general enjoys. And God has laid it deeply on my soul to present the particular phase of the exercise of the dominion of the Jesus Christ. And that the secret of success of here in this ministry is here in our teaching, our workers do exercise the dominion of God through the Holy Ghost that he has already put in our soul when He baptized them. While in the other branches of his work they still followed largely the old line of intercession for the sick. We do not pray for God to come and heal as in the old days but looking into his face believing that He has baptized us in the Holy Ghost and that we have received the power of God through the baptism we command in the name of Jesus the devil and his works to depart. 

And then later on he gives an example where Peter said “Such as I have give I thee.” See that’s our problem we don’t have ministers that say “Such as I have give I thee.” We all put it back on God “Well it’s between God and the sick person.” It’s not between God and the sick person if you’re the minister to the Spirit of God you have no business ministering at all. The Spirit of God is what sets us apart from any religion and what sets us apart from any other belief.  We have to have the tangible Spirit of the Living God because if you get the message right God can confirm it right. The reason we’re only seeing a very little bit is because our message isn’t right. Our message is get people in a right frame of mind, get people in this certain things why they can’t be healed.  They have all of these excuses why they can’t be healed and we live by those.  Get these excuses out of the way Jesus never gave an excuse. He never told a person “You have un-forgiveness in your heart.” I’m sorry you have this problem go and don’t do this. He healed them and said “Don’t go and sin no more unless a worse thing come on you.” He never…and there was no excuses in His ministry and he told us to do the exact same thing. It said “And Jesus healed them all several times.” And in Acts 5:16 it says “And they healed them all” when it was talking about the sick being brought to Peter and to the apostles “Healed them all.” Both times Jesus healed them all and the apostles healed them all.

Sid: Thank you Curry we’re out of time today we’ll pick up right here on tomorrows broadcast.

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