
Sid:  My guest by way of telephone I’m speaking to him at his office in Amsterdam, Holland is Samuel Lee. Samuel formerly was a Muslim he was raised in a Middle East country which we cannot mention for security reasons. He literally as a young child saw a picture of Jesus hanging on the cross and fell in love with Him. Jesus kept coming through people… would come into his life and tell him things about Jesus but when he got into high school he not only got turned off to Jesus because he heard some lies about Him, but he also got turned off on his own faith. Because he got into communism and he became more atheistic. He moved to the west to save his life because he was involved in some pretty radical societies there. So his parents sold everything and moved to the west. Moved to the west and married a woman that was a Christian, this is not recommended but this woman heard from God to marry him. On their wedding night he’s tossing and turning, can’t sleep and a voice says to him… tell me what happens Samuel.

Samuel:  Yes what happened was this beautiful majestic voice told me, He called me by my name, He said “Here I am My son behind the door of your heart and I’m knocking. If you open the door I will come in, I will eat and I will drink with you.” I looked into the room and there is nobody in the room and my wife is sleeping. So I touched myself to check out whether I am really dreaming, or is this reality, or am I seeing a vision. What is going on? I even looked at my watch it was 3:00 in the morning. So I was awake and I knew what is going on in the room, but I was doubting so the voice repeated and He said exactly the same words that He said He stands behind the door of my heart and He’s knocking. If I open the door then He will come in and eat drink with me. Then I said “No this is the fact.” I asked Him I asked differently I said “Sir before you enter my heart what is Your name?” Then He said “My son don’t you know Me I am your Lord, King Jesus Christ and I have come to save you personally?” That was the end of the old Samuel and the beginning of the new Samuel changed.

Sid:  After He said that what happened to you and what in addition to that did He say?

Samuel:  Yes, what happened to me was I heard, I didn’t see the angels, but I heard in that little hotel room… I can say maybe thousands of angels were singing making music for God. It was a big party and I could hear their voice. The Lord Jesus spoke to me and He said “Go back and tell to the people of the world that He is alive and He is coming back.” That was the beginning, actually of the real ministry of Samuel Lee.

Sid:  Now did… the Lord was speaking to you in an unknown language, tell me about that.

Samuel:  Yes that was the speaking of tongues.

Sid:  He was speaking to you in tongues…

Samuel:  He was speaking to me in tongues it was a different language but I could understand what He was saying to me. The day when I woke up I myself was speaking in tongues that morning.

Sid:  What (laughing) did your wife think about this?

Samuel:  Well my wife, for one side she was you know happy, but from the other side it seemed she know about this, it seemed like she’s not surprised. From one side she’s happy and rejoicing, but it seemed liked thank God He answered my prayers.

Sid:  When Jesus spoke in unknown tongues to you…

Samuel:  Yes.

Sid:  …you understood every word.

Samuel:  Yes.

Sid:  Out of curiosity now when you speak in unknown tongues do you usually understand what you’re saying or not?

Samuel:  Not always, not always. There are times that I don’t understand what I am praying in tongues but there are times that the Lord gives interpretation either to me or to someone else when I’m ministering, but it is not all the time that I understand that tongue.

Sid:  Now tell about the time your mother in law called you on the telephone, you were tired, and she said she had someone that you had to minister to and you finally went there and what happened?

Samuel:  Yes when I entered the room I saw this lady sitting in the corner of the house and she won’t look into my eyes, she couldn’t look into my eyes. Then I was… then I went and I sit in the room and her husband very respected engineer, oil engineer. He was sitting there and then this woman start opposing everything I am saying, but her life was messed up. Her life was you know she was living in fear excuse me to say she couldn’t even go to the bathroom alone.

Sid:  Hmm.

Samuel:  She was so terrified in her life. She was like opposing every word I am saying. The Holy Spirit said “This woman does not need words she needs action. Just lay your hands on her things are going to happen.” Just like the Apostle Paul said “I don’t come to you only by words but I come to you with the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit.” So then I saw that this is not working talking too much to this lady. I just said “Let me pray for you.” Then I laid my hand on her head…

Sid:  Now how did her voice sound?

Samuel:  Really her voice it was a female voice talking but after when I laid my hands on her head she start to jump and her voice changed like a man’s voice. Then the man’s voice inside her told me “What do you want from me? Leave me alone.” Then I start to pray for hours and this devil would go out and come in. He was like saying to me “I’m going to kill this lady, I’m going to kill this lady. You cannot cast me out.” So I start to cast this devil and every time the voices were changing. Suddenly the voice of a child, the voice of a woman…

Sid:  Hmm.

Samuel:  …the voice of a man, and eventually the devil was cast out from her life. On that moment the Holy Spirit came on this woman and she start to fall on my knees and start to cry and cry. She start to pray in tongues, but believe me for one day we couldn’t stop her from praying in tongues. She couldn’t speak for one day the normal language. Every time she wanted to open her mouth she was speaking in tongues. She was so overjoyed and after that she could explain to me why she bowed before me she saw Jesus Christ in me. Therefore she didn’t bow before Samuel but she bowed before the one who was in Samuel. Since then she was healed never feared of going somewhere alone, to be lonely in a room, or going to bathroom alone her life was changed. I’m telling you right now there are people listening to this radio program and I know that God can touch them wherever they are. They may have the same problems of fear in their life and I believe that right now the Spirit of God is touching them giving them a new life because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The same Jesus, the same Yeshua, is able to change your life as you listen to this radio and take out that fear out of your life. I’m sure that He can do it for you.

Sid:  You know Samuel with all these experiences you still tried to not go into ministry and just do it kind of part time and do business, but what happened?

Samuel:  Yes I was doing business and I was also doing studies in the university and both of them went wrong, both of them went… the business actually collapsed and my grades in the university went down. Everything went wrong in my life and it was useless because there was this voice telling “I need you for My kingdom. I need you for My kingdom. Go preach the gospel.” But it’s like “No I don’t want to preach I want to be a rich man and I will support the church.”

Sid:  Hmm.

Samuel:  That’s what I want to do but that was not the will of God. Until one day I really go on my knees because I saw this huge problem. It was a calamity in the CNN I saw it happened somewhere I cannot remember it was big problems as usual in the world. Then when I saw that the Spirit of God came into my room, and in my heart of course this was not audible but it was in my heart. He said “Are you going to heaven with all your millions? Are you going to heaven with all your degrees you have? What do you want out of this life? Do you want to be just like all other people living in little boxes or do you want to be a solider do you want to be someone who will make a difference in this world?” Then I said “Lord I can’t bring all these things to heaven.” Then He said “Get on your knees and come with Me and join Me I will lead you and I will use you for My plans and My purpose.” That was the beginning.

Sid:  Is that how you got the title for your book “Soldier of the Cross?”

Samuel:  Yes “Soldier of the Cross” that is the title of my book. That God… you know brother God is not looking for Christians. You know God is not looking for people who call themselves Christians. Go Sunday in Sunday out they go there they hear the word of God and they do nothing about it. God is looking for disciples, God is looking for man and woman educated and uneducated who are willing to risk their lives, their finances, their homes, their beings for Jesus Christ and make a difference in other people’s lives.

Sid:  You know there is such an anointing on your book and of course it’s brand new it’s just literally off the press. But you got a phone before I started interviewing you today from a man from India that got ahold of your book “Soldier of the Cross.” What did he say to you?

Samuel:  Well I can tell you he was crying behind the phone. He was saying that this book anointed him and revived his soul and challenged him to be a real soldier of the cross. To live a life that is worthy of God, to live a life that would make a difference for the life of other people. I’m telling you he was crying behind the phone and actually accidentally he catch me on the phone and one of my workers give the phone to me and I was talking to him and he was crying and crying and he so was revived. He now has fresh power and new anointing to continue doing the work of God.

Sid:  Samuel we’re out of time.

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