SID: Now you teach there are four major effects of inequities, these bloodline curses that pass down.


ROBERT: Yes. When I start dealing with iniquity, I say iniquity will do four things. Number one, it will give the enemy a legal right to tempt us in a given area. In other words, if there’s iniquity in the bloodline that someone gave themselves over to you, you will see that temptation come and begin to work in a family line: anger, lust.


SID: Will it work on addiction?


ROBERT: Yes. In fact, all strongholds, I believe are connected to iniquitous issues in the bloodline. That’s what makes them so strong. And the second thing is, is that iniquity will fashion our identity. And just real quickly, see, Isaiah, in Isaiah 6, he says the Glory of God, he says, “I’m undone. Woe as me, I ought to be destroyed.” That’s literally what he says. But then once his iniquity is cleansed, he says, “Here am I. Send me. I’m a prophet.” His complete identity changed once the iniquity issue was dealt with in his life. And then the third thing it does is it detours us from our destiny. The enemy uses the iniquity to take us off course from what God actually has written in our book. And then the fourth thing is he uses iniquity to build legal cases against us.


SID: Okay. You say there is a major key to undo these iniquities.


ROBERT: Yes. I believe that recognition of revelation. I actually tell people, when you’re looking at your family line, I say, you should look at your parents, you and your siblings, and your children. You will see iniquity and iniquitous patterns in those three generations.


SID: So you don’t need a great revelation. You just have to observe what’s going on in your life and in your family.


ROBERT: That’s right and say, Lord if there is anything else.


SID: You’ve been upset about your family. Instead, they are clues for you and the whole family to be free.


ROBERT: That’s right. But then after I have done everything I know to do, then I say, Lord, if there’s anything else that I need to know, would you just reveal it to me, which is what he did for me. He actually has brought revelation to me of issues the enemy was legally using that was stopping me from coming into my destiny.


SID: Well how about someone that says, once I was born again, all those iniquities gone, finished. You have no faith, Robert.


ROBERT: I hear that quite often. But what I tell them is this. When Jesus died on the cross it was the greatest legal transaction of history. That’s what the cross was. It was a verdict rendered. But here’s what I tell them. A verdict that is not executed into place has a no power. And in John, Chapter 16, the Bible says, “When the Holy Spirit comes he’s going to convince the world of judgment because the ruler of this world is judged.” In other words, he is going to make us to realize that when Jesus died on the cross there was a verdict against the devil. But it is the power of the Holy Spirit that empowers us to execute that verdict into place so that we get the benefit of everything Jesus died for. That’s what we do in the Courts of Heaven.


SID: There’s an interesting story you share about your great-grandfather. You had a dream about him. You didn’t know him or know anything about him.


ROBERT: Nothing. And see, I was in a real period of frustration because for decades I had seen broken promises in my life. People would promise me things and then not fulfill them. And over and over, and over this happened, and I was so frustrated. Well in the middle of that I had a dream, and the Lord, or in the dream, I was told that my great-grandfather through negligence had injured somebody, and that there was now as a result of that a judgment against me. So when I woke up I realized immediately what the Lord was saying. He was saying there’s a verdict against you in the Court of Heaven. The enemy has a case against you because of the negligence of your great-grandfather. So I had to go and begin to repent for my negligence, the negligence of my family, but especially the negligence of my great-grandfather, and when I did that, all of a sudden a new release came, a new destiny started coming to me. In fact, the Lord said to me, he said, “The negligence of your great-grandfather stole someone else’s dreams away. The enemy has used that as a legal right to steal your dreams away.”


SID: Alright, if you hadn’t had that dream, could you have gotten rid of that iniquity?


ROBERT: I don’t think so. I think that in that case I needed Divine revelation from the Lord.


SID: And you were praying for that.


ROBERT: I was praying for that. I was saying, Lord, why is this pattern repeating itself in my life? And the Lord gave me that dream to help me know why.


SID: I can tell you, there’s a freedom coming to you, there’s an answer coming to you and you’re about ready to fulfill your destiny. I want Robert to briefly explain how to go to the Court of Heaven and legally get rid of the charges against you and those iniquities. Be right back.

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