SID: Lana is not a political person, especially not the politics of the United States. You’re kind of minding your own business, and what happens?

LANA: I go to bed one night, and I have a dream. In my dream, it was one of those dreams that was so vivid. I saw Donald Trump and he was standing in an arena, and he was speaking really passionately, but I couldn’t hear anything he was saying. Then all of a sudden, I was taken above the United States, and I remember I was like floating and I was looking down, and across the nation, in red letters, it said the word, “Trump.” Then all of a sudden, the nation began to shake like violently. As it was shaking, the letters rearranged and it became, “Triumph.” I hear this booming voice in my dream that says, “Donald Trump shall lead the United States into triumph,” and I woke up.

SID: She has several dreams. He becomes President, but then she had a very strong warning about President Trump. What was that?

LANA: After that dream, the Lord, I really felt gave me his heart, to really just be praying for him. One morning, I was sitting with the Lord, having my coffee, and I said, “What’s on your heart today, Lord?” Straight away, a vision opened up in front of my eyes. Jesus took me into a room, and we were standing at the back of the room, looking. At a table, a planning table, I saw the enemy. There were all these demons all around him, and they were looking at a blueprint. I knew it was a blueprint of not great things, planned to come against Donald Trump.

LANA: The Lord looked at me and He said, “You must call the intercessors to be rising up and the body of Christ to be praying protection over Donald Trump, as he moves into everything that I have for him.”

SID: Somehow, despite what our limited information is telling us, God has the big picture, and all I know is I want to follow God.

LANA: Amen.

SID: I want to pray right now for the protection of President Trump. Would you agree with me? After all, God says we’re to do that.

LANA: Yes.

SID: Father, in Jesus name, we agree that there are angels all around him. We agree that there is a wall of protection around him, and his wife, and his children. We agree no weapon formed against him can prosper. We agree that you will give this President wisdom, wisdom is the principle thing. Wisdom to run this country, for what purpose? I know your purpose, God. America has not fulfilled its destiny. We are to evangelize the world. That’s why we have to pray for America to be all that God’s called it to be.

LANA: Amen.

SID: Now Lana, you had a vision how one word from God can change everything.

LANA: Yeah. I had this incredible vision, sitting with the Lord, I was going through a season of incredible, the battle of the mind. There was so much stuff going on in my head. I said, “Lord, I need to hear your truth. I know that it’s one word that you speak can shift everything. Lord, what is your truth?” Straight away, I had this vision and I saw Jesus. He was kneeling down, leaning over a tree stump. His hands were tied, and as I looked to the right, there was a man with a whip. On the left, was the enemy, and the enemy was standing there, looking at me. He was accusing me. He was accusing me of things in my past. He was saying, “This is who you are. You’re not going to do this.” He was absolutely going after me.

LANA: Every single time he spoke, the man on the right would whip Jesus across the back. He would cry out, and it still makes me emotional. He would cry out, and He would decree the truth of who I was. He would decree who I am, and His great love for me, and what he had called me to. Every lie that the enemy spoke against me, the Lord decreed His truth. In that moment, I knew that Jesus has taken it all. He’s taken my sin. He’s taken everything and I stand in Him, righteous, and free, and forgiven, and washed clean by the blood of Jesus.

LANA: That encounter changed my life, because I saw the demonstration of His love in a way I’d never seen in visual form, and here I was thinking, “It was the voice of God decreeing truth that broke the power of those lies in my life.”

SID: I want you to pray for us to hear God.

LANA: Yeah. Lord, I thank you that we have the promise that my sheep hear my voice. Lord, right now, in the name of Jesus, I release an impartation to every person watching, to hear the voice of God. May he surprise you in ways with His voice. Lord, I pray for the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Lord, I pray the impartation of dreams and visions. Lord, encounters with you. Lord, that joy would burst forth in their life, as they seek after you, and seek your heart to hear your voice. Lord, and that the invitation of your heart, to see and to hear, and that you are a God that confirms your word, would just fill your people in Jesus’ name. Amen.

SID: I want you to tell people eyeball to eyeball how powerful they are and that they can shine.

LANA: Yes. I want to encourage you today. You are powerful today, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, that as you walk with Jesus and you hold His hand, that he has greater plans for you than you could ever imagine. That right now, today, that the Holy Spirit wants to flow through you in ways that you could never have imagined. That you are called to shine. That you are an atmosphere shifter. That you are called to release the love and light of Jesus.

LANA: Today, I want to encourage you, that as you go about your day to day life, be asking the Lord, “What are you saying, God? What are you doing? Use me today to minister and to extend your kingdom.” One word of encouragement, one word, can change somebody’s life. You know what? It’s not about having all your I’s dotted and your T’s crossed. The Lord isn’t looking for ability, He’s looking for availability. You are powerful today, and your yes to him, you hold onto your hat, because God’s going to blow you away by what He’s going to do through you.

SID: You are God’s workmanship, created in Messiah Jesus for good works. Now do them.

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