JOHN: Serve them. And share your faith with them.


JOHN: And it’s not linear. Its, think about, first begin praying. Because God cares about them. And you can’t see what’s going on under the surface. But He does, and He’ll begin to show you how to minister as you listen to their story. Jesus listened way more than He answered. You know.

DONNA: And that was easy. That way you just said. All of those things, those five things. That was easy.

JOHN: Yeah. You don’t have to make it real complicated. You know, you listen for their story. Listening values a person.

DONNA: Good point.

JOHN: And then as you hear their story you begin to see, that’s the pain. That’s the point of need or desire that God is –


JOHN: God is prompting there. He’s drawing everyone to Himself. And so you can speak into that.

DONNA: Yeah.

JOHN: You know, eating with them. Jesus went, and He ate with the tax collectors and the sinners. That’s what the religious said. Why do You do this?


JOHN: And He said, It’s not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

DONNA: Yeah.

JOHN: It’s not the righteous, but sinners that I’ve come for.


JOHN: Which, honestly, those Pharisees saying that weren’t healthy or righteous. They were going to crucify Him.

DONNA: [Laughs] Exactly.

JOHN: Jesus is being sarcastic.

DONNA: Yeah. Yeah.

JOHN: He was saying, You just don’t realize that you need My forgiveness and My guidance just as much as these people do.

DONNA: Uh-huh.

JOHN: And so then we serve. We look for ways to serve people. Or invite them to serve with us. Because Jesus came to serve. As we serve, were being like Jesus. Were showing what God is like.

DONNA: Sure. Sure.

JOHN: He’s a servant.

DONNA: Sure.

JOHN: And then share our story of faith of how, you know, how we’ve come to know God and be restored through His grace.

DONNA: And what a different example that will present to some people that have thought other things about Christians, believers, you know

JOHN: Oh yeah.

DONNA: Because sometimes we do tend to, I’m so sorry, we do tend to shy away from people that are not like us.

JOHN: Or shun them.

DONNA: Or shun them. Oh.

JOHN: Do I have time for a little short story?

DONNA: We do. We’ve got two minutes left, so short story. And then I want you to pray for people.

JOHN: So, Karen was at our church, and she got this new boss who loved to talk about, you know, her party life and sexual escapades. And Karen felt like, as a Christian, she just could not listen to that. And, you know, and animosity grew between them

DONNA: Uh-huh.

JOHN: Until Karen started to pray for her. So she heard this and began praying.

DONNA: And began praying.

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