JOSHUA: I was praying in the streets of West Palm Beach. I remember this was one of the very training moment that me and, God had with me. I remember seeing an actual Satanist there with pentagrams and all this stuff over him. I knew that this person served the devil like I served God. Of course, demonstration is what you want to do because you cannot deny demonstration.

I want to go over there and God says, “Don’t show power, show love.” I’m like, “That’s unusual.” I’m like, “Okay.” I sit beside him and I look at him and he turns to me and says, “I have more power than you.” Immediately, already trying to get me in the flesh.

SID: Into fear.

JOSHUA: Yes. Into fear. I’m like, “Oh, man.” I’m perceiving all the demons around this person. Literally, the covenants he had made with the enemy. I said, “No.” I began to share the love of Jesus. As I’m sharing the love of Jesus, he began to growl and get mad. I felt, which was very wild, because I’d never experienced that before. I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and love that I just cared for him so much.

Even in that mess, he began to get up and swing at me. When he began to do that, I was smiling. I was just going to let it happen and he stopped. He froze. I had a flash. I saw an angel holding his arm and he was like, “What happened?” I said, “An angel is holding you.” He says, “What is this?” “I told you that the Lord loves you.” I saw one little tear come out. I knew there was an open, there was an opportunity to minister to him.

I began to share it to him the gospel and the saving grace of Jesus Christ. He says, “What do I do?” I said, “Just repeat after me, renounced his covenants. Renounce the altars and everything he had done, and the occult.” Gave him a hug. Power of God hit him. He walked away, never the same.

SID: Another thing that is wonderful, the Bible says, if you want wisdom, ask God. Josh did that, but it was way beyond his pay grade, so to speak. He’s got inventions, businesses. Just tell me in the gym, you bumped into some people that are very prosperous investors. You [don’t] know that much about the market, nothing, zilch. What happened?

JOSHUA: I owned a gym in Palm Beach. God was able to supernaturally get me there, although I have a GED. I don’t have the natural education to even sustain where he had placed me. I was walking around with millionaires and billionaires with a B, hand-in-hand sowing principles into them. One of the things we need to know about winning souls is what level are they at? Are they ready to be harvested? Can you go right in and just pray and get them? Is there times where you have to sow seed into them? Over time, most of them, I had to sow seed into a, principles, and it began to change their heart. Before you know it, they began to give their life to Christ, renounced witchcraft, all these things, but they trusted me. I would be in the gym and all these people love watching the stock

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