CLARICE: No, women don’t do anything. Women did not do anything.

KYLE: So this had to be a divine vision.

CLARICE: Oh my goodness! I mean, her tradition was so shaken by that, but it was so real to her. And I said, “Mother, you’ve just been in the sun too long. It’s never going to happen.” You see, my husband’s desire was to make millions of dollars and my desire was to spend it.

KYLE: [laughs] Not a bad plan, right?

CLARICE: Not a bad plan. [laughs] As far as a prophet, I had a different idea of what that meant. But I said, “You cannot say that. Don’t tell anybody that.” She says, “No, God showed it to me. You’re going to be a preacher and George is going to be a preacher and God’s going to use you in a wonderful way.” And I said, “Do not say that,” and she started calling me her little preacher girl, for two years.

KYLE: She was speaking that over you.

CLARICE: She didn’t realize it, but she says, “God’s Word came to me and said you’re a preacher!” and she kept saying it. I said, “Mother, you don’t even believe in women preachers!” and she says, “But you’re an exception. God’s going to use you to preach.” And so two years after that, I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit which was—Mother said, “Dear God, I over-prayed”.

KYLE: [laughs]

CLARICE: So, our whole life changed. But the power of beyond—you know, the scripture says your traditions make the Word of God to no effect.

KYLE: Hold that thought because we are going to go into that even more and [music] we’re going to talk about how a tragedy in her life and her family’s life just about thwarted it all, but God. Stay with us.


KYLE: Welcome back to “Something More”. I’m your host, Kyle Winkler and with me is my guest, Dr. Clarice Fluitt. Thank you so much once again.

CLARICE: It’s a joy to be with you.

KYLE: Your story has just been so powerful about how from childhood God has really given you these experiences which has ultimately led to your destiny. But tragedy tried to thwart this; which we see that kind of often. The enemy kind of, somehow determines what God wants to do and tries to thwart us. Tell us about that. What happened in your family?

CLARICE: Well, my husband and I—it’s quite a story. My husband was more catholic than the Pope and I wasn’t. And I was on this progression of looking for truth and for power and I had been Baptist, and became Methodist, and Presbyterian, Episcopalian, and married a Catholic. So I tell people, “I’ve got so many ways, one of them is going to make you happy.” So anyway, I married this wonderful man and he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I did too and that changed our lives and our direction. And we had started a church and in the church we started a home for young women that were bound by drugs, alcohol and wrong relationships. And it was just—things were going great and wonderful. I have five children; we have four girls and one son. And the youngest daughter, Julianna, was the sweetest little thing that you’ve ever seen, and she was singing the song of the Lord, and she loved God, was having visions and everything. And one day, she was thirteen and she came home and she was weeping.

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