SANDRA: If they fall in love with Jesus. If you know who Jesus is. Know that He is on your side. That He is already the Healer. That you already have inside of you the Healer who is the Holy Spirit, then you begin to call on – you don’t look for healing. You begin to express your praise that He is inside of you! And then you begin to “Oh, I praise Him!” And I praise Him! And I praise Him! I don’t care what the report is! We come against cancer! It doesn’t matter what the report is! It can be cancer, it can be a toenail! It doesn’t matter what it is! God’s in the healing business! He loves you! He is not mad, with you! He is on your side! You can claim what God has said and then you end up praising Him and you just praise Him and you come against the darkness! Push it back and proclaim it and declare it! Not like a king, honey. Like an emperor! I mean an emperor who absolutely says you get off of me in the name of Jesus! Amen! 

PAT: Let’s pray. I want you to pray over them, pastor.

SANDRA: All right.

PAT: Because there’s such an anointing on you and God uses you so powerfully. Take just ten seconds and begin to pray.


PAT: We’re going to pray together. We’re going to come in agreement.


PAT: Anything you pray I’m agreeing with you.


PAT: For miracles right now!

SANDRA: Okay. Okay!

PAT: In Jesus’ name!    

SANDRA: Father, in the name of Jesus I curse cancer to the root in the name of Jesus! It’s but a name but I curse it! I come against, Father, hearing loss! I come against heart problems in the name of Jesus! I thank You for restoring it in Jesus’ name! I come against ailments, Father, with all kind of bone ailments in the name of Jesus! We tell backs to straighten out and to be healed! We thank You, Father God, that people’s throats are healed! We praise You, Father God, that eyes will see! Ears will hear! You are a magnificent God! You do what You say You will do! And we praise You from the top of our head to the soles of our body! We call ourself what You call us! We call ourselves healed in Jesus’ name!

PAT: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Listen! Thank you for being a part of “Something More!” [Music] I believe that God is doing miracles in your life! Thank you, pastor!

SANDRA: Thank you! Such a joy to be here!

PAT: Thank you for letting the anointing of God flow! Hey, God bless you! Have an amazing day! And watch God do miracles in your life!

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