PAT: You know I honestly believe with all my heart that wherever we go we carry that anointing when we walk into places. You can be sitting somewhere and somebody will say, man, what do I feel? That happens to me all the time in planes and different things like that. I want to shift for just a second because God seems to be taking you into a new dispensation from not just flowing in the healing anointing but even into the political realm of prophetic dreams. Before we take a break in just a moment talk to me about that because I think all of America is sitting up and watching right now and saying what is happening? We’ve seen more take place in the last 6 months to a year then we’ve seen in the last 10 or 15 years. Talk to me about that. Tell me what’s happening.     

DAVE: There is a lot happening right now! The rogue nations like Iran and North Korea, God is dealing with them through President Trump and he is going to bring some amazing changes in the very near future! [Music] And we can talk about that on the other side of the break if you want.   

PAT: You got it! Hey, we’re going to be right back with “Something More!” with The Praying Medic, Dave Hayes! Stay tuned!

[Music and clock ticking]


PAT: Welcome back to “Something More!” We are with The Praying Medic! Dave, you know one of the things that we’ve been talking about and something that burns in both of our hearts is the orphan spirit. And that has really just attacked the body of Christ. Not understanding who poppa is. Not understanding who the Father is. And we’ve seen a wounded generation. You know roughly 34% have grown up without a dad. 72% in the inner city. We’ve seen a generation that has been raised up that when we say worship the heavenly Father they go what is that? And you know as Father my daughter was a – we adopted our daughter from China and the moment I took her I gave her my name. We broke that spirit off of her. But part of the emotional distress in a generation and sickness and disease and all the different things is tied to the orphan spirit. Talk me about that.      

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