
Sid: I want you to know something, Messiah is getting ready to return and you need to be red hot for the Messiah. History is about ready to repeat itself. Zechariah 12:3 in the New Living Translation says “On that day I will make Jerusalem an immoveable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves. Why do I say that? Well God says “I’ll bless those who bless the Jewish people, curse those who curse them.” God uses Israel to inflict His judgment on the nations. When you go against Israel you’re going against God.

So I believe History is ready to repeat itself throughout the whole world. In Europe I’m told things are as ferocious of anti-Semitic things and anti-Semitism against the Jew as it was just before Hitler took office. It’s happening so quickly before our very eyes. If you want to understand what is about ready to happen you have to look at the end time book to the Bible. Do you know what the end time book is? I hear a lot of you saying Revelation. Wrong! The end time book that we have got to understand is the book of Esther. Why do I say that? I believe that Esther, spiritually speaking, is a type of the end time church. Esther was an orphan she had no mother or father. Gentiles, or the nations, are orphans they had no connection to God, but God grafted them in to the spiritual seed of Abraham. So Esther was an orphan, and Esther was young and beautiful. Some of you look at yourself in the mirror and you say “Oh I’m not so beautiful, huh I’m not so young.”  Well let me tell you something, when God looks at you He sees His Son Jesus, He sees the righteousness of Jesus on you. You’re not junk you were created in God’s image for good works. So Esther was young an orphan, beautiful, and Esther was a virgin. Do you know no matter what mistakes you’ve made in the past if you confessed your sins He’s just and faithful Esther to forgive you of all your unrighteousness. In God’s sight you are a virgin. Esther had favor from the king. Esther hid her Jewish connection no one knew she was the seed of Abraham. Esther did one other thing church that you’ve got to be doing right now; Esther soaked in oil in preparation to meet the king for one year. Do you know how you soak in oil? Praying in supernatural languages. Do you know how you soak in oil? Listen to anointed music and just soak up the presence of God. For a year Esther prepared herself in the most beautiful perfume, and that’s what goes on when you’re praying in tongues, when you’re soaking in the spirit it comes up as beautiful perfume to God. Esther did one more thing and she was the only one on the planet that could do it; she went to the king on behalf of the Jewish people. The Jewish people’s lives were spared. You know how Esther did that? Simple, the book of Esther says she equipped the Jewish people with the sword. What’s the sword a type of? The word of God, and they were to defeat their enemies. Who’s their enemy the anti-Semites the people that hate the Jew? No, the spirits behind that and the only way those spirits in the invisible world can be defeated is the word of God. So you can see why I say Esther is a definite type of the church.

Then Mordecai the one responsible for Esther being raised as an orphan comes to her and says “Esther” in Esther 4:13, 14 “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain” this is the church he’s talking to right now “Esther, for if you remain completely silent at this time relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this Esther.” Esther this is your finest moment. You see Esther you have to understand in the end times Jew and Christians are in the same boat. The world is turning against the Jew, the world is turning against the Christian, and when the two merge into the One New Man nothing can stop them It’s a full dwelling place of God by His Spirit. In fact, when the tabernacle of David was restored, what happened? The greatest revival the world has ever seen. When Esther, a type of church, reached out to spare the Jewish people it says revival broke out in the land among the Gentiles. I call that going to the Jew first which is God’s method and law and strategy of evangelism. I have proved it over some 30 years of ministry. Here’s where it comes from, when God wanted to reach the world He started with the Jew, Abraham, because He so loved the world. When Jesus wanted to reach the world He said “I go only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” When Paul wanted to reach the world he said in Romans 1:16 “I’m not ashamed of the gospel” because the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first. In Esther 8:17 says this was after Esther reached out to spare the Jewish people. Esther 8:17 says “Then many of the people” that’s the Gentiles “of the land became Jews” because that was before Christianity it was the only way to be acceptable before God. I call it the law of evangelism it’s the devil’s worst nightmare. I have found when I reach out to the Jew first it opens a bigger door of evangelism to Gentiles, than if I had reached out to the Gentile first. You can see why the devil wants to keep the law of evangelism such a secret. The law of healing is wonderful, and many Christians understand this, but how many understand the law of evangelism. Well to much is given much is required.

By the way, when Mordecai the Jew, do you remember what happened to him? He was the one that raised Esther, well Mordecai was give the king’s ring. Where was the king’s ring? Haman had it. Where was the authority on planet earth? The devil had it. Who rescued us from the devil’s authority? Jesus He’s got the ring of authority now, and He has given is the right to use that name, the name of Jesus. It’s like everyone here is wearing that ring, that signet ring of Jesus it’s as if Jesus is doing something. When you say something it’s as if Jesus commanding something. Recognize the authority you have.

Now Esther tells us why Mordecai had so much favor. You can have that same favor as Mordecai did, it says “He was great among the Jewish people, he was held in high esteem because he continued to work for the good of his people” that’s the Jewish people, “and he spoke up for the welfare of all of the Jewish people’s descendants.” Do you see right now the best thing you can do for a Jewish person? It is good to help a Jewish person that is being persecuted get to Israel, it’s a wonderful wonderful thing to do on behalf of Jewish people. It is good to give humanitarian aid, but what good is that if they die without knowing Jesus? The best good you can do for Jewish people is to share the gospel with Jewish people. Now you can understand why God has raised up It’s Supernatural. Now you can understand why we have our mentoring program because if you can move in signs and wonders, who are signs and wonders for? It says the Jew requires a sign in the book of Corinthians to reach the Jew. You see the job of the Gentile Christian is found in Romans 11:11 “Salvation has come to the Gentile to provoke the Jew to jealousy.” The job of the Jew is found in John 4:22 “Salvation is of the Jews.” So the job of the Jews to reach the Gentile, the job of the Gentile is to reach the world. You merge the two together you reach everyone. This is the One New Man.

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