
Sid: Is it possible for us to live in the same peace that Jesus lived in? Is it possible to live in that peace 24 hours a day 7 days a week? Is it possible that we could live in this peace, and out of this peace have everything in the Bible that we’ve always wanted to happen that has not happened start happening?  My guest says “Yes,” Dennis Clark. Now Dennis on yesterday’s broadcast you were doing an analogy of the various offices, the 5 offices, apostle, prophet, teacher, etcetera, evangelist. You came up with everyone has this gifting, not maybe the office, but all the gifting because Jesus is inside of us. You call it the 5 “G’s” of peace. Explain that.

Dennis: Experientially in our day to day routine, if we were to apply the one scripture where it says “Let, or allow, allow God within to rule.” Well that’s “Governing”, that’s “G” number 1. If we would let him rule, in a day to day routine of our life we would be walking in the will of God because peace is ruling.  He is the Prince of Peace; He’s the King He’s on the throne. If He’s ruling that’s the way to live our life. We can always grow in our information and how much, but at least were walking in the light we have, and the internal sense of His presence and peace means that all things are being in harmony. All the full beauty of the word shalom is being manifested at any given time, even with things and circumstances beyond our understanding. The second “G” is “Guide.” In the same verse Colossians 3:15 “Let the peace of God rule.” The Amplified translation says “Let it umpire.”  That means let it call the shots; That means before you make a decision strictly on the intellect bear witness to the peace within and let it umpire, let it tell you if there’s peace to go ahead or perhaps it a red light.

Sid:  Okay give me a real life example in your life of how you use peace as the umpire, and I like that too?

Dennis: Okay, a serious decision was even originally coming to Charlotte. I had never been to Charlotte before, and God was giving me a direction to come here.

Sid: Now I personally… I moved to Charlotte and I had a fleece.  I wished I had the peace of the Umpire that would have been easier. I hear a lot of people get fleeced when they fleece…

Dennis: Yeah.

Sid:  I did not. That was God, but I like the idea of that inner peace versus not having… Well what do have when you don’t have the inner peace, what‘s the feeling like?

Dennis: To me it’s a scriptural feeling on anxiety even if it’s mild. It’s a disturbance; it’s a minor chao… Anxiety to me is modern chaos, and peace conquers chaos. Also it conquers anarchy, that means when you flesh “I want what I want.” We believers say that all the time, that’s not guidance I want what I want, and I want it now.” They say “I’ll have a peace about it” that’s false peace right there. That peace that guides is you’re neutral to obey God, you don’t want to make sacrifices, you simply have a heart to obey Him, and that peace will guide you, it will umpire it’ll say “Yes” it’ll say “No.” You lose your peace when it’s a No. Even if it’s a perception that you can’t put your finger on it you know it’s the absence of peace. I personally don’t want anything to come…

Sid: Okay you were ready to move to Charlotte… tell me what steps you went to tell your discernment.

Dennis: In my mind of course I questioned because I know no one here. I see no logical reason, but the peace as soon as I dropped down in my Spirit “I want what God wants.” To know beyond a shadow of a doubt you’re neutral. Neutral is key, neutral is key for guidance. I have no predilection one way or the other. I want what God wants that’s the total focus, and then say “Should I leave for Charlotte now?” The peace increased. I have lived with it long enough that trial and error has shown me that that has been more reliable in my relationship with Christ than all the information put together.

Sid:  You used a term that I’m familiar with, but our Mishpochah are not. You said you “Dropped down to your Spirit.” I think now would be a good time for you to explain where the Spirit is. Most people can’t even answer that question.

Dennis: Correct. Well it’s not in your head, and it’s not in the chest, it’s not the blood pumper. Very often that’s a very easy to mistake it. Everything good, your Spirit is in the gut, the belly, the bowels all of the words used are accurate. Belly, kidney’s, bowel’s there’s even a translation that uses the term womb, and it’s the gut, in our everyday language. Your conscience is there, your spirit is there, your will is there…

Sid: How can your conscience be there? Shouldn’t that be part of your mind? You know “what’s right and what’s wrong?”

Dennis: Well the mind gathers data, but the conscience… how many know when there’s something not quite right you feel it in the gut?

Sid:  That’s true.

Dennis:  Truth or error, clean or unclean.  All of these things can be born witness, but what we’ve done is we’ve lived so much in the mind that even if our spirit is highly active, by not paying attention to it you gradually pull away your sensitivity as a believer.

Sid: Do you find most believer’s that you have an opportunity to counsel that have been believers for a long time have lost their sensitivity?

Dennis: Yes and I don’t believe they all did it on purpose.

Sid:  Of course not. Last thing they want.

Dennis: That’s the last thing they want.

Sid: Why is it what you teach is not basic 101 the minute someone becomes a believer. It should be.

Dennis: It should be. Matter of fact, we have had good success with new believers training them from right from the beginning to guard their heart. To teach them what that means how to guard the heart. How to have dual listening during the day. How to hear with your mind and 5 senses area, but also to listen with the voice of your spirit to what it’s saying. When a person talks you hear what they’re saying, you hear what they’re not saying and you’re hearing the substance that’s coming from their heart that’s attached to their words, and that is key. Primarily because we’ve learned to speak faster than we commune. We’ve learned to say the right answers before we’ve really communed with the source. I believe God’s going to start reversing that. It’s going to change a paradigm in the church radically because we’re going to start living out of our heart instead of our head. It will renew the mind, it will renew the entire system.

Sid:  I want you to counsel me on something that is going on right now that you don’t know, or maybe you do. That is, from the second we started the first day of the interview I felt peace, but in my gut I felt turmoil. I know why, I think I do anyway. I wasn’t as prepared for this interview as I would of liked to have been. Yet, I’m seeing I getting supernatural help of things I’m not even have in my mind is coming out, but my mind is causing the turmoil. I’m just telling you what I’m feeling. You tell me what’s going on.

Dennis: Alright, when there is anxiety in the gut…

Sid: Yeah.

Dennis: it does not prevent gift from flowing, but at the same time to bring the thoughts in the mind captive to the obedience of Christ, as we’ve read that scripture before many times. I believe you change location. You take those thoughts, you don’t try to do away with the thoughts, but you take those thoughts and you’re presenting them within, to God within down in the gut not in heaven. I believer 98% of the church when they say “God,” and I’m calling out to God they call out in heaven when He’s within. I’m saying the same with thoughts, and all thoughts have a corresponding emotion. So if you’re feeling anxiety there’s an emotion attached to that thought. What I’m saying is let’s take those thought’s captive and change the emotion that’s on the thought and clarity will come.

Sid:  But wait a second, if I’m walking into something and I’m not prepared. It’s perfectly logical for me to feel anxiety.

Dennis: Yes.

Sid: But I really didn’t need to because I see what’s going on. Do you follow? It’s almost a schizophrenic thing. It’s normal to have anxiety if you’re not prepared, but I see God’s doing it all, so what should I be doing what right now? Tell me.

Dennis: Drop down.

Sid:  Drop down means?

Dennis: To go to your spirit.

Sid: In my gut.

Dennis: In your gut, and yield, allow or let go. Which means I’m allowing Him to rule in this scenario even though I’m not sure…

Sid:  So that’s what I’m doing, I’m holding on and not letting Him lead as much as He wants to.

Dennis: Exactly.

Sid: Could that be true?

Dennis: Yes, I’m afraid so.

Sid:  Me too.

Dennis: It’s try, try is the opposite of what I’m talking about. Try is to total resist yielding would be an acronym.

Sid: So you want me to yield and not do anything but yield.

Dennis: Yes.

Sid:  That’s too easy.

Dennis: I know, but when you yield you fulfill scripture. It says Philippians 2:13 “It is God who is at work in me to both will and to perform.” So I guess that requires answering the question who do you want performing?

Sid: God.

Dennis: Then I have to yield and allow Him. It’s the grace of yielding to the supernatural.

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