SID: And here’s the good news, in the past there have been a few anointed men and women of God that have operated to this degree. However, this glory that’s coming is going to be throughout the whole world and every believer that has the faith to receive and you receive with faith by hearing the words of God, by just listening to us talk about the glory.

SID: It’s going to begin to impart upon you. Now Myles had a direct impartation from Jesus of my favorite subject, his compassion. The compassion of God releases the miracles of God. He will pray for that same compassion that Jesus had to come upon you as well as his fire. Be right back.

SID: Myles Kilby is an anointed teacher of the word of God and another thing he teaches and we’re making this available in our resource is six things to do to move into and develop our prophetic gifting and of the six the one that is absolutely my favorite, I’m going to ask you to talk about and that is speaking in supernatural languages, speaking in tongues.

MYLES: Absolutely. Yes, speaking in tongues is, I believe personally, the most powerful gift that Jesus has given us and my experience with speaking in tongues is that God supernaturally empowers us. It’s the gateway that ushers us in to operating in the gifts of the spirit, operating in the supernatural. So there’s an activation of every gift of the Holy Spirit when we begin to pray in tongues.

MYLES: And so if you want to hear from God what I tell people is to pray in tongues. What I do is I pray in tongues a lot. I read the scriptures a lot and I worship a lot but the more that you pray in tongues, Sid, the more that God is going to speak to you. There’s going to be a supernatural activation. Something also very interesting that the Holy Spirit revealed to me is that there have been times when I’ve been praying in tongues and I was actually praying in the tongues of angels.

MYLES: And the Lord spoke to me in that moment and he said, “Myles, you’re speaking their language right now. You’re dispatching them and releasing them on assignments and they’re going forth and accomplishing those.”

SID: Boy, I’ve read about that but that is amazing revelation. The art of listening, the art of hearing, teach just briefly on that, please.

MYLES: I have four children and as a father I’m always trying to get my children to listen to what I say. And the art of listening, one of my favorite examples and teachings from this is from early on in King Solomon’s life when Solomon was coming in to his kingship and he has this powerful encounter with the glory of God and he asked the Lord for something. He said, “Lord, I ask that you would give me … really the scripture says, “A hearing heart.” That means a heart that hears the voice of God. “So that I might be able to direct this great people of yours, Israel.”

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