WOMAN #3: It’s gone.

TONY: What? It’s gone now? Step out in the aisle. March up and down. Good. Somebody give the Lord a praise. Are you good?


TONY: Who else had pain? Girl, why you got pain? What kind of arthritis? Where do you have pain? One hip or two hips? Say Jesus, I forgive everybody. And I forgive myself. And I accept you as my healer. Right now. Close your eyes. Tell me when you feel pain decreasing. Three, two, one. Now. (waiting) What?

WOMAN #4: It’s decreasing a little bit.

TONY: A little bit? That means God’s doing something, huh??

WOMAN #4: Uh, huh.

TONY: I speak to the spirit of… that’s giving life to this arthritis. OUT! Now I speak a creative miracle into these bones. (waiting) Give me an honest answer. What’s happening now? It’s still decreasing? Would you do me a favor? Would you interrupt me when it’s all gone? You just keep, just interrupt me. Say Tonay…Try that. Tonay…

WOMAN #4: Okay. Say what?

TONY: Say Tonay…

WOMAN #4: Tonay…

TONY: Yeah, when it’s all gone, just do that! Give the Lord a hand clap!


TONY: Those of you that don’t have pain but have a hip problem stand up, I‘m going to pray for you. And Father, heal my sister of her knee problem also. Lord, she’s so humble she let everybody else go first. I release a gift of healing and miracles into her knee right now in Jesus name. Father, c’mon, stretch forth your hands, and if you’re next to one please lay hands on them, right now, lay hands on them. You guys begin to pray. Father, I speak miracles of healing into each hip right now in the name of Jesus. Be healed. Be well. You may be seated. Okay. All of you with back pain. Stand up right now. Oh trust me, you are here. Well, let’s go with in general, sometimes… but we’re going to start with the people who are in pain right now because if you ‘ve ever been in pain you want to, you want to be delivered right now. Those of you who are in pain right now from back problems, I don’t care how severe it is, raise your hand. Raise it up. Keep it up. Look at me. Are you ready? What’s your back problem, real quick? Slipped disc? Uh, would you like a new disc? Would you receive a new disc right now? Close your eyes. Tell me when the pain is gone. In the name of Jesus I suspend time. I command the old disc disappear. I call from the third heaven a brand new disc. Let it be put in her body now. I command the pain and the reason for the pain go now. I speak to the spine, be healed. Three, two, one. (waiting) I think she got it!

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