admin on September 6th, 2021

RANDY:  But I can prove that they can do things that they could not do uh of that – that the metal made it impossible to do actually.  And one of the fields –

SID:  Uh w-well you know the best – the best way to prove it is go to an airport.  You have an artificial hip, and all of a sudden they don’t stop you [CHUCKLES] when you go through the uh x-rays!

RANDY:  [CHUCKLING] Yeah!  Well one of the things I – I sent a video to you – you have a link to it – but we had this girl in January; uh, she had a – a large uh steel bar put in her forearm.  And up near the elbow there’s a bump that’s about the size of a – a jumbo egg there underneath the skin, and that’s where the metal’s at.  And her friend is a – just a young girl in her 20s – is – is – or maybe late teens – is praying for it, and it – the girl is testifying that was praying for her; not just the girl that had it.  And they’re kind of be- – beside themselves with excitement, because the girl kept saying, “It’s disappeared!  It just disappeared!”  And then they – I was excited, but man, they finally – they – they came later, and they showed me a picture of the before, of that big lump there, and I – I was thinking maybe a grape, you know.

SID:  Um hm.

RANDY:  But you know, this is like a jumbo egg or a lemon!  It’s huge!  And it [SNAPS FINGERS] instantly just disappeared.  So I do believe stuff like that’s happening.  I – I – I can’t prove it; they don’t have any medical evidence other than I got the picture and the people themselves saying, “I was in this much pain”.  And – and of course, I have had a couple of serious spinal injuries myself form a car accident, and then classical traveler’s back, and I got healed 6 years ago, when I was basically going to have to leave the ministry, or leave the traveling ministry.  The doctors said, “Never get on another plane”, but a guy saw a vision of me – down in New Orleans and I was in Pennsylvania – and he saw an open vision.  He did exa- – he’s awake; he did – in a church service – he did exactly everything the Lord showed him.  He saw my spine, and saw where the stuff had squirted out of my discs – had 3 herniated discs and 2 pinched nerves; and he prayed, and in the morning when I woke up, I was healed.  And a friend of mine – a good friend of mine – just had back surgery for that same nerve, and it takes over 3 years after surgery –

SID:  Uh Randy, uh, I-I have to tell you, when Jesus said, “[You] will do the [same] works I have … do[ne and] even greater …”, He meant it!  Now, if God can use Randy, and the people he trains, look how He wants His – His heart is to start using you!  So I can’t wait to get –

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admin on August 27th, 2021

SID:  Wow!  Well you know what Randy?  That’s what I think television was created for!  I don’t think we’ve even GRASPED the POWER that God has put before us, with being able to go on a computer – in someone’s computer, or their iPhone, or television, with the power of God!  Could you imagine if 2,000 years ago Jesus had uh the iPhones to work with, a-and prayed a prayer [CHUCKLING] of impartation?!

RANDY:  That – it would have been amazing; it’d been amazing.

SID:  But – but that’s where were at right now!  In fact, you and I were talking just before we went on the air, uh, and I said, “Randy, uh, what do you see?”  I mean, most prophets see uh a “great awakening” coming.  They see a lot of “shaking”, but they see a “great awakening” coming.  I choose to focus on the “great awakening”, personally.  Uh, but describe to me what you believe, with every fiber of your being, w-what is almost upon us, if not upon us now.

RANDY:  I believe, Sid, that – that there’s going to be a move of God, and that it’s already started actually in different countries; I believe it’s going to come here too – [PHONE CLICKS] uh, where the – the people are just being touched.  There’s going to be a lot of healing in it, going to be miracles in it, going to be people set free of uh demonic oppression in it.  Uh, and it’s going to be the uh accompanying of the seeing the signs and wonders.  Seeing the healings is going to cause people’s hearts to be softened – we see this a lot – and uh, and come to the Lord!  Uh, I know [PHONE CLICKS] since Toronto, we saw –


RANDY:  uh a million people come through Heidi Baker’s ministry to the Lord, when she – after she was touched.  And Leif Hetland, after he was touched, there’s a million people got – uh came to the Lord through him in Pakistan where different –

SID:  N-now y-you – t-this is so powerful Randy. 


SID:  I-I want to make sure everyone gets this.  Uh, Randy lays hands on two people; through these two people, a million-plus people have come to the Lord!  Uh, as – as a matter of fact uh, I-I remember listening to this, and I’ve – I’ve interviewed her – Heidi Baker – in Mozambique.  Uh, when she got back after her impartation, she had about a dozen uh elders or so; and SHE laid hands on them, and every one of THEM carried the impartation!  A-and – and you say it’s what, it’s over a million [CHUCKLES] have come to the Lord through them!

RANDY:  Just – just through Heidi, and another million is r- – is -there’s actually a million each; a million through Leif; and that’s two million.  And then –



VIDEO:  RANDY CLARK:  [IN KIEV]:  Hallelujah!  And when you start speaking healing with the laying on of hands [unintelligible].

RANDY:  I prayed for a church in uh Kiev, and Henry Madava is the Pastor of a great church there of several thousand people.


RANDY:  They have had over a million uh, since we went there in ’99, –


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admin on August 16th, 2021

ANA: So that child-like faith is so important for stepping into Heaven encounters, but it’s hard to teach. Right? But it’s something that you just believe with all your—

DONNA: It’s something so simple, but it’s hard to explain.

ANA: It sounds so simple, but really, when you believe and you know your Papa, Daddy, like you know Him on an intimate level, then you know that this is God, that it’s truly Him.

DONNA: You know, when I was reading your book “Seeing Behind the Veil”, I know that you have all of these wonderful encounters, you encounter Heaven, you encounter some other things, but you feel like that you are granted these encounters so that you can actually release them to other people. What did you mean by that?

ANA: Yeah, I don’t feel like this is just for me or that Heaven encounters are just for the elite people, you know. I feel like we can all experience Heaven. And as I share stories, my stories, I know other people start experiencing Heaven, as well. Like there’s an impartation on it that happens and people start—you know, in meetings as I’ve ministered, and I share, and I teach people how to do it, how to, I always ask people, “Did you see something new? Did you experience something different with God?” and they raise their hands and they get to experience, maybe, seeing Jesus for the first time, just His smile or His eyes looking at them or they see and angel or—So it’s not just for me. I want other people to experience Jesus like that.

DONNA: Mm-hmm. Now, I know you actually lead people through, uh—I hate to call it a process, but steps to experience this for themselves. Now, you do that in your meetings with people right there in front of you, live, people in front of you. Can you do that through a television camera and talk to people, as well?

ANA: Well, let’s try.

DONNA: Let’s try.

ANA: Let’s go for it! So viewers, if you’re at home right now, I just want you to do this. It’s simple. This is all going to sound super simple, but I pray that God will move. So right now, I just want you to close your eyes, like I’m doing, and Holy Spirit, we just ask for Your presence to come, right now, and touch each one of us, wherever we’re at. Be real still. Being still is the hardest thing sometimes. Just get really still. Get rid of all your fear. In Jesus’ name, I rebuke any fear from coming into this time. Thank You, Lord. Now ask this simple question: God, how do You see me? Now just wait. Now, some of you are going to start experiencing a picture; He’s going to show you something. Or maybe you’ll just hear a word and that’s it, but just wait for a second with it. Now, if you got your word or you got your picture, the second thing—these are just two simple ways that I lead people sometimes, but see if you can see a hand extended to you, because often, that’s how it started for me. I would see the hand of Jesus, like this, reaching to me. In the vision, or in that Heaven encounter, I would grab onto that hand and Jesus would lead me somewhere in Heaven. So you yourself, if you can see that hand extended to you, just believe right now that that’s the hand of Jesus extended and He wants to invite you today into an encounter with Him. Thank You, Lord. Now, right now—Donna, I just feel like, as I was leading people through that, that somebody, actually, as I did that thing with the hand, somebody, you just started experiencing the presence of God come down your body. Like you started feeling that tingling or warmth come over your body and I just want to encourage you, that is the presence of God. That’s what you’re experiencing right now. That is—you start knowing because you feel a shift in the atmosphere. Like I feel it in this room right now because I got warm and it’s actually cold in here [laughs]. But that’s the presence of God, right now, coming over you.

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admin on August 7th, 2021

HAKEEM: The Bible says in Matthew chapter 12, verse 37: For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned. I believe that in this hour that what we say, what we speak we have to be able to be governors and good stewards over it because what we speak we can be judged by it. And so what we speak we can also condemn others. I believe even prophetically that God is using the prophetic gift and the prophetic anointing and the prophetic spirit not to tear down people but to use it as a vehicle to release the heart of the Father to build up people! I always say that the prophetic is for construction, not destruction.


HAKEEM: Whenever you receive a prophetic word from God and it is a true word from God it should not allow you to leave that place if it’s a true word of God it should not allow you to leave depressed. It should not allow you to want to end it all. It should want to build you and establish you. That is the power of prophecy. That’s the power of the spoken word! Even Ezekiel had to understand that when he was in this condition and he saw this condition it broke his heart. I believe that God is placing upon the Church a new burden. He’s giving us His burden and He’s going to show us things and He’s going to allow us to feel things. As a seer I feel things and I sense things and I see things. God uses our bodies as that vessel and as that channel where He can get our attention. It’s those things that He allows you—you know some of us have been like, you know like Isaiah. Lord, here I am use me! Lord, here I am send me! But then when the phone call comes we’re not answering it.


HAKEEM: He wants to use you. He wants to use every part of you! He wants to use every vessel. He wants to use your eyes. He wants to use your ears. He wants to use your mouth. He wants to use your body. We are the body of Christ! And so He wants to activate the prophetic senses so that He can speak to us. When I was in a meeting and I was talking to a young man, I’m young too, but when I was talking to a younger man—


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admin on July 27th, 2021

SANDRA: Third, is that he said operate in the authority of the royal priesthood. That you and I, he made us priests, kings, and priest unto him, and he is now in this season above all seasons, expecting us to operate as royal priesthood, guarding his word, feeding his people, taking his word as truth, and walking it out, so that those who do not know him, those who don’t know anything about healing, those who do not know anything about his signs and wonders, those who not know about his love, and how wonderful God is to us, it is our day, our time to be priest to the people.

SANDRA: In the Old Testament, the priests guarded the health of the community, and that we are to show forth his glory, and he’s trying to show us over and over and over again, that the times are upon us for his return. The times are upon us for his people to step forth light. They have never done it in all of history, to step forth.

SID: Now no one, can tell Sandra Kennedy that miracles are not for today. You’ve seen it all. Tell me just a few things you’ve seen.

SANDRA: Well, we’ve seen three people who were dead, raised three people from the dead. We’re talking about just here, not out on foreign field somewhere, just right here. We’ve had nine brain dead people who’ve come up. We’ve… You could not name something, Sid, that we have not seen. Plus we continue to see it on a daily basis almost. From all over the world we get reports back, that people’s lives are changed and transformed, just simply by the word of God. Taking God at his word. And it doesn’t matter how long somebody has had something. It doesn’t matter to what degree they are.

SID: But someone that’s had something that they, “I’m going to live with this.” So you have to pound the word into them to know, no, you don’t have to live with this.

SANDRA: Well, you just gave the sinkhole right there, yourself. When you just said that they had just made their minds up that they had to live with it. And that’s the problem, is that the solace area is sinking everybody. Your mind, your will, your emotions, how you think, sinks you. And you have to get where you think that’s who we are called to be. We have the mind of Christ. We are called to think like, God. Well, the only way I can think like God, is to know what this book says, because this is God talking to me. So I have to change and start thinking, no matter what my body says to me, remember a symptom is not a sickness. Your mouth can turn it into one now.

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