admin on July 8th, 2023

PAT: You know I honestly believe with all my heart that wherever we go we carry that anointing when we walk into places. You can be sitting somewhere and somebody will say, man, what do I feel? That happens to me all the time in planes and different things like that. I want to shift for just a second because God seems to be taking you into a new dispensation from not just flowing in the healing anointing but even into the political realm of prophetic dreams. Before we take a break in just a moment talk to me about that because I think all of America is sitting up and watching right now and saying what is happening? We’ve seen more take place in the last 6 months to a year then we’ve seen in the last 10 or 15 years. Talk to me about that. Tell me what’s happening.     

DAVE: There is a lot happening right now! The rogue nations like Iran and North Korea, God is dealing with them through President Trump and he is going to bring some amazing changes in the very near future! [Music] And we can talk about that on the other side of the break if you want.   

PAT: You got it! Hey, we’re going to be right back with “Something More!” with The Praying Medic, Dave Hayes! Stay tuned!

[Music and clock ticking]


PAT: Welcome back to “Something More!” We are with The Praying Medic! Dave, you know one of the things that we’ve been talking about and something that burns in both of our hearts is the orphan spirit. And that has really just attacked the body of Christ. Not understanding who poppa is. Not understanding who the Father is. And we’ve seen a wounded generation. You know roughly 34% have grown up without a dad. 72% in the inner city. We’ve seen a generation that has been raised up that when we say worship the heavenly Father they go what is that? And you know as Father my daughter was a – we adopted our daughter from China and the moment I took her I gave her my name. We broke that spirit off of her. But part of the emotional distress in a generation and sickness and disease and all the different things is tied to the orphan spirit. Talk me about that.      

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admin on June 30th, 2023

SID: You’ve received much. Let me encourage you [with] something I started a few weeks ago. I used to pray in tongues and hour a day when I was a brand new believer. And I literally believe because when you’re praying in tongues you’re prophesying your future without the devil being able to interfere because he doesn’t know what you’re prophesying, without you gossiping it because you don’t know what you’re prophesying, with perfect faith because you don’t know what you’re prophesying. I mean, all you’re doing is yielding to God.

So I’ve been praying an hour a day for the last couple of months now and I don’t want to miss a day. Now if some of you say well an hour is too long, I understand. Five minutes start with, ten minutes, and build up. But I’ll tell you some of the fruit. The anointing is increasing. Increasing the presence of God. I mean I’m sitting there not doing anything spiritual some evenings and all of a sudden wave after wave of the Holy Spirit is coming upon me. What am I doing different? I’m hungrier for God than I’ve ever been in my life. Let me bless you.

The Lord is blessing you right now. The Lord is keeping you right now. The Lord is gifting you right now. The Lord is surrounding you with flames of fire, with supernatural favor, and protection right now. The Lord is giving you His Shalom. His peace. But the word means something greater than peace. His completeness, right now. In the name that is above every problem, every circumstance, every worry, every thing. And all those things have to bow. Yeshua, you know if God’s for you who can be against you. You have God you have everything. You have everything and not God you’ve got nothing. In the name Yeshua ha Mashiach, Tsidekenu. Jesus the Messiah, our Righteousness. And all God’s people have done that New Year’s Resolution right now. It’s going to be full blazes for God and His destiny in your life. Amen.

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admin on June 21st, 2023

STEVE: Raymond, don’t lie to me. And this is just like three or four days ago. We do this non-stop, once again. He goes, he goes, “Lie? To you?” He goes, “Sir, I know Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and I would never lie to you because if I did I would burn in the Lake of Fire.”


STEVE: (laughs) Scott, it was perfect man, it was like, I mean Raymond, good for you, man, it’s like…

AUIENCE: (LAUGHTER) STEVE: Revelation 21:8, man, you not only know the Lord, you know the scripture. But I am at a place, um, because of what I’ve just passed through. I passed through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Um, melanoma cancer has no cure. Everyone dies. Now for those of you that are “hyper faith,” whatever you want to be. There’s not a man, woman, or child listening to me around this world or right in this room that has more faith than I do.

When one of the top leaders in this nation was dying, pastor of a 20,000 member church. He died of cancer. His wife called us when his corpse, his body was lying on the bed. She called us, I think 3 or 4 in the morning, and said this “Steve, Jeri, raise him from the dead! I’m laying his phone on his chest.” And these were, by the way, hyper faith movement, but they also knew [Steve motions] he died. So, um, I have just gone through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

My wife bought about a year and a half ago two burial plots. I planned my funeral. I was given a few days to live. And uh, there may be people listening that you’ve been there before, but most people haven’t. Uh, I didn’t know her name. I called my wife, I called her George for a year. I didn’t know where I was. I couldn’t understand television. I couldn’t stand Christian music. I couldn’t read the Bible. I couldn’t understand anything in the Bible. When I looked at it the words went like this [Steve motions side to side] and it almost made me throw up. I had been on chemo for three years. My wife after we’d go through 9 months of chemo treatments be driving back and forth from Houston  and my wife would pull over.

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admin on May 29th, 2023

So “Gog” and “Magog” is mentioned by Ezekiel and mentioned by John in the Book of Revelation. Michael fighting Satan in a cosmic war, Revelation 12 and 7.    Daniel spoke of Michael in Daniel, chapter 12 and verse 1 coming in a day of great trouble. Same, same, same picture here. You have the beast with ten horns, Revelation 13:1.

The beast with ten horns in Daniel 7:7, verse 20 and verse 24. The battle of Armageddon, Revelation 16:16. You find that battle mentioned in Zechariah 14, 1, 2 through 3. Now when I tell you Armageddon there, it tells you Armageddon in Revelation 16:16, but it says I gather all nations against Jerusalem. That’s what that battle is. That’s why we know from Zechariah 14 that’s the same battle. The binding of Satan in the abyss or the pit is in Revelation 20:2 through 3.

That’s Isaiah’s prediction in Isaiah chapter 14 in verse15. The return of the Messiah to Jerusalem is in Revelation chapters 19 and 20 and you’ll find Zechariah’s prediction actually starting in chapter 12, he speaks of Jerusalem but in Zechariah 14, 4 through 5 this is where the feet of the Lord will stand up on the Mount of Olives eastward in Jerusalem and the mount will cleave in two parts, one part to the east and also one part to the west.

So the point I, the point I want to make about this is, and, and please get this kind of in your spirit, as this is just a kind of an introduction to the Book, is that, let’s kind of do a review here. Number one, is let’s look at the author, John. John is an Apostle. John outlived all the other Apostles. John wrote the Book in about 95 A.D. John wrote it from the Isle of Patmos. It was a series of visions.

Some people think that John actually didn’t get it all at one time because he said “after this I saw,” then he says “after this I saw.” That he may have a got a few chapter and then after this he saw something else. Others, I kind of tend to believe this, I kind of believe it happened at one time. You know someone said to me “Now wait a minute, how can a guy have a vision like that and remember it?” Are you kidding me? Are you absolutely kidding me? I mean if you have a vision of the throne of God and you’re standing there, do you think you, what’d you do, I had a vision last night.

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admin on May 17th, 2023

And then what happened with John, and I, I, don’t remind me of the “Seven Seal Book” if I get off of it because I got to finish this, but see the thing about John was this: one of the reasons that Domitian, who was an Emperor, uh, he boiled, do you”all know, do you all know about this? He boiled the early fathers said they took John to Rome and put him in oil to boil him because they didn’t like it because the rumor was out that as long as he lived that he would live to see Jesus return.

See this was still circulating. Read John 21. It’s circulating among the church. John is still living. The Temple’s been destroyed. Whooo! I, I believe, probably, I’m, I’m speculating, but back in there they’re probably saying “Whooo, a 100 A.D. is coming, a hundred is His cycle, it took Noah a hundred years to build the Ark.” Whooo! C’mon you all listening. You know, like people do today, I’ve been excited about numbers before. And so everybody, everybody’s like it’s coming, it’s about to happen! So they boil John in oil saying “if we can kill him it’ll stop all these rumors.” He got boiled in oil and lived.

The tradition says when he got boiled in oil and lived the whole, the whole stadium got saved. Which made the emperor even more mad and they banished him to the Isle of Patmos thinking that if they banished him there everybody would forget him. And instead he got a visitation from God of the Book of Revelation and got caught up, what about it. God will give you a visitation in bad places! C’mon! God will visit you in rough places, hallelujah! Isn’t that something?


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