admin on March 7th, 2019

FRANCIS:  And the Lord said, “Son, the reason I did that is because I knew he was the voice that was to prepare the way for the Jewish Messiah to come and then he said John’s tenure of ministry on earth was so short I could not let him struggle with the genetics of his ancestors when it’s such a short time before he was beheaded. And–I am told that John’s ministry from the beginning to the time he was beheaded was 6 months. From the time he began to proclaim the Messiah to the time when his head was cut off was like 6 months. When you have a 6 month ministry on earth you don’t have time to fight with everything that is in your bloodline. The devil is a liar. So God is like, uh, uh, I’m taking you out so you are not sharing in that genetics. And in six months he was here, he proclaimed the Messiah, his head was cut off, and Jesus said he was the greatest prophet ever to come out of a woman’s body. Are you with me? Are you catching what I’m saying? And then finally He said to me go to Paul. He said Paul knew about this. Disassociating yourself from that allegiance. And not denouncing your family, because I mean God’s got other family but you are legally [detaching] yourself from that genetic inheritance that’s corrupted from your ancestors because there’s a better one in the house and it’s the genetics of the Messiah. Are you catching what I am saying? So in Philippians 3 we find the same thing with the Apostle Paul. He talks about: he said if any man has got any desire, has any reason to boast in the flesh he says I’m more. And he begins to list his pedigree, he wrote the Hebrews, from the tribe of Benjamin. He lists all these things and most of them have to do with lineage. Then he says but all of these things have I counted loss for the sake of the Messiah. Are you with me? I’ve exchanged all of this because I– am part of a better and more superior generation, His generation. Are you catching what I am saying?


FRANCIS:  So we are going to do this together, amen? I am going to be praying for you–. So what I want to do now is– let’s have the bloodlines– and do this prophetic act. I don’t know about you but I am believing God for some miracles. I’m believing God! Hallelujah!! Oh, I feel the anointing!! Hallelujah– I mean– man, we have had people with blood disorders and they jumped the line and it was over. Diabetes gone. I’m telling you this is powerful stuff. Amen? It’s a prophetic act. But it’s a prophetic act that releases your faith and it tells God you are appropriating His ration of genes. Amen? You see the Lord says you can’t serve two masters. Is that right? It’s a principle. It’s a principle, is right? You can’t serve two what? Two masters. It’s a principle that applies to more than just money. Amen? So with using that principle: you can’t serve two masters, the Lord said to me, ‘If you can’t serve two masters then how can you serve two bloodlines? My bloodline and the blood of your ancestors?’ You can’t do it. You’ve got to give up one. So one becomes preeminent. Okay? That’s what we’re about to do. So then another thing I asked the Lord as we’re getting ready to do this, I said but Lord, so when we denounce our allegiance to the lineage, the corrupted lineages of our ancestors, okay, corrupted lineage of our ancestors, I asked him two things. I said, ‘Lord, does this mean that are we denouncing the good things we’ve seen in our lineage?’ But you know I love Jesus, He’s the Word, He’s got an answer for everything. He says what does James say? Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord.

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admin on February 26th, 2019

BARBARA:  The last time I came into increase He [God] had me give away an expensive diamond ring. So this car is a Lexus. He said “Give it away.” He told me who to give it away to. And I told him [the man], I told him already so now I’m committed. But I haven’t had time to get a new car yet. But listen to me. You have to let go, until you let go you can’t get, because you’re hanging on to what you have. And I declare today that there is an anointing to let go of what is making you feel safe, because until you get out and start walking on the water, you’re not going to experience the supernatural. You’ve got to get out of what you think you’re able to do. I don’t have money for a new car. If anybody here wants to donate, feel free–


BARBARA:  I’m messing with you– but I believe God. I don’t know what this is about. I just know, I know God well enough to know that when I let go He shows up. And so the New Testament Church was a church that didn’t hold on to anything. And it was totally supernatural. –I’ve been saying “God anytime you want to transport me, go ahead.” I’d speak to some Ethiopian anyway. Philip literally opened up Africa by preaching to the Ethiopian eunuch and what happened was that he was supernaturally transported. I believe those are the days that we are entering and you need to begin to believe God for that. You need to get out of your American culture western mindset and begin to get into the supernatural. –And the person who lives inside of you is not one bit limited. If He made the worlds can’t He make a way before you? And you’ve got to let go of people. I remember when the Lord said to me, He said: “I want you to quit focusing on your family.” He didn’t tell me to leave them. He said; ‘leave your family to Me and just do My work and just trust Me with them. Some of you are holding onto your children. You know you’re afraid to do something because you’re still holding onto your children. Let go! Let them go so you can get in to God’s best for you. And there’s an emotional– see when you get ready to break through there’s things that will keep trying to pull you back to keep you neutralized and to keep you powerless and impotent. And that’s one of the words that “threshold” means. It means to snatch, to pull back, habits, mindsets. Well we’ve never done [it] this way before, well so what we’ve never done it before this way. (Barbara gives a word of knowledge: I want you to just stand up. [man wonders if it’s him]. Yeah– you for God’s sake– And I want you to just put your hands up in the air, now just turn around, three times. (audience laughs) Now do it a little faster. See if you get them dizzy enough they’ll fall out– (laughter) No, but you see there’s a supernatural realm that God wants to deliver you into and there’s a word in your mouth. There is an evangelistic anointing on you. God is going to begin to open doors to people that you wouldn’t believe He’s going to open doors to. Money’s going to begin to come to you supernaturally. There’s a business God is going to deliver into your hands, I don’t know what it is, but I know there’s going to be supply, and there’s going to be time to do the will of God. But He said I want you to get out of where you’ve been comfortable, because it’s like you’ve been in a place of– sort of discomfort, of maybe almost misery, of feeling captured in a certain place, and in the power of the name of Jesus I just say that there is fresh oil from the throne coming on you today to break you out and to break you in to a new mindset. And to literally say it’s not about me, it’s about Him, and I can do what He said I can do. Amen?)


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admin on February 19th, 2019

SID: Now, I don’t know about you, but when I even think of a coloring book, I like to color, not that I do it, although they found it’s pretty relaxing, I like to color inside of the lines, but you had a son that liked to color outside of the lines.

KRISSY: Yes, and he still does. It’s amazing how God will use our children to speak powerful lessons to us. One morning I had, actually in the middle of the night, I had woken up and I was agonizing over just had I said something wrong? Had I said it the wrong way? I just needed to hear from Him. I was weeping and crying out to Him, and suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke, and he said to me, “Krissy, it’s okay for you to color outside the lines. It’s okay.” I got it.

KRISSY: All of a sudden, I was taken back and remembered this moment where I saw my son and my daughter, they were both coloring. My daughter’s older than my son. She was being taught in kindergarten at the time about coloring inside the lines. That was just a real passion point for her. I saw him look over at her paper and look at his, and it was this moment of comparison, where he realized, “Oh, maybe I am just scribbling.” He just looked at her and these crocodile tears began to pour out of his eyes.

KRISSY: That’s what the Father was showing me that I had been doing. I was looking over at that person’s paper, and I was realizing how they were doing it and mine couldn’t compare. He said to me those words, “It’s okay to color outside the lines.” Then He began to say to me, “You were created to stand out and not be boxed in. You are an original.” I believe that’s a word for people watching too, that God would say to you, “You are an original, and it’s time to embrace our uniqueness, and just be not afraid to color outside the lines.”

SID: I’m reminded of the fingerprint. Do you know why they take fingerprints? Because no one has the same fingerprint. No one is created to do what you are created to do better than you. You are the original. Don’t let the devil bash you in, because you are God’s workmanship.

SID: Krissy, 4:00 AM in the morning, you’re up. You’re sipping your coffee and God speaks to you. What did He say?

KRISSY: It was at the time when I was working on my book, and I was wondering, “What am I going to call this thing that you’re birthing in me God? What is your heart for this?” I was getting up really early in the morning to seek Him. With small children, that was kind of the only time I could get away with Him, was, well this was 4:00 AM, because my children are very early risers, painfully so.

KRISSY: 4:00 AM, sipping my coffee, and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit just stops me in my tracks, and he whispers this secret on the Father’s heart. He just says, “Krissy, God thinks you can do anything.” I just stood there and I wept, and I got it. “Wow, He thinks I can do anything. If God thinks I can do anything, then who am I to disagree with God?” We need to know that. Everybody watching and listening needs to know that God thinks you can do anything. He paid a great price for us to be able to do absolutely everything through Him. The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is living in us and moving and operating in us in our everyday. In the seemingly ordinary, we can encounter the extraordinary of God. He thinks we can do anything.

SID: I want you to speak this into the spirit of those watching or in the studio audience right now. Will you do that?

KRISSY: Yeah, yeah. I hear that word deposit like a seed. Let these words be a deposit like a seed that are going to be planted in good ground in your heart, that God thinks you can do anything. Nothing is impossible with Him, and He is living and active inside of you. I just declare an activation over that right now in each and every one of us, in me, in you, that we be activated in breaking down everything that would hinder us from agreeing with that simple truth.

KRISSY: I declare and I proclaim right now over you, that God thinks you can do anything. It is time, the Lord says it is time for you to begin to agree with the plans and promises of God, that He has created you for such a time as this, to rise up in the boldness and the meekness of Christ Jesus, and just declare to yourself every day, lock eyes in the mirror and say, “God thinks I can do anything.” Let’s do it right now together.

SID: Okay.

KRISSY: Okay, ready? God thinks I can do anything.

Audience: God thinks I can do anything.

SID: God thinks I can do anything.

KRISSY: Anything.

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admin on February 7th, 2019

GUILLERMO:  Ah! Anybody else? Bring me somebody else, bring me somebody else. What happened? C’mon, bring the other person, come over here, bring person with you who prayed for you or you pray for somebody.

PRAYER PARTNER #2:   —um, he prayed, we needed  —had fibromyalgia and —

GUILLERMO:  That’s is terrible sickness!

PRAYER PARTNER #2:   —new pancreas too. We prayed for the fibromyalgia and I felt the Holy Spirit just moving on him, and, and then he  — would you tell it?

MAN #2:  Well, one of your team prayed for me first, and he prayed for me, and, and I’ve had pain somewhere in my body for 22 years.

GUILLERMO:  That is terrible.

MAN #2  :  It’s gone! OH WOW!


GUILERMO:  C’mon guys. Let me tell you, I understand you, because my, my barber, she, she suffered from that and she always came with a terrible pain, and I saw that. So I understand what you been going through. What did you feel today?

MAN #2:  I, I just feel the peace in the Spirit come over me, and just —

GUILLERMO:  No more pain?

MAN #2:  No more pain!


GUILLERMO:  Ha! Oh — are you reverend, bishop, archbishop, or pope or —

PRAYER PARTNER #2:  I’m a builder.

GUILLERMO:  Builder. Right, right, you’re a, right, a normal believer. C’mon put your hands together, give Him praise. Father, in Jesus” name. The power of God is on that girl, yeah the power of God is on that girl. Anybody else? See a lot miracles happen, bring ‘em up, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, a lot of miracles happen.

LETTY:  Everyone that had pain back there they all were healed.

GUILLERMO:  Okay, okay, lift your hands. How many were healed, now listen, listen, how were you healed as the other person prayed? Lift both hands, both hands, both hands, up, up, up, and delivered? Let me see, let me see. Look, look, look, look, c’mon! C’mon, put your hand together. Awesome, awesome!


GUIILLERMO:  What happened, John?

JOHN:  She got healed from vertigo. The two girls prayed for her and at the moment she said she couldn’t tilt her head and it’s gone now. She’s perfectly —

WOMAN #4:  (SHOUTING) Whooo! Hallelujah!

GUILLERMO:  You pray for her. Oh, you prayed, tell me what happened?

PRAYER PARTNER # 3:  She just swelled in the spirit and she just started moving her head and she couldn’t before.

GUILLERMO:  Are you reverend, bishop, or apostle —

PRAYER PARTNER #3:  I’m just a girl. I’m just a girl.

GUILLERMO:  See, that’s what I want people to know. You don’t have to be reverend, bishop, honorable, pope, just believe Jesus is alive today! Oh my God.


GUILLERMO:  Let’s do this, let’s do this? Can you stretch your hands, let’s pray for Sid. How many of you here don’t speak in other tongues? I want you to stand if you don’t speak in tongues, and both hands, put your hands up if you don’t speak in tongues, both hands, both hands, come quickly. If you don’t speak in tongues. Uh, give him the combo, uh, you pray for her, she can get the combo, the healing, and the tongues, and the deliverance, the whole thing. Okay. You need — you don’t speak in tongues? Okay, how many of you don’t speak in other tongues? I want somebody of you, any of you get close to the people and pray for them, please for those people. Now stretch your hands toward Sid. And the Holy Spirit spoke to me — Ryan can you come up also and receive or you need to be busy? Thank you, Jesus. The presence of God is here. And I want, I want to release a fresh impartation. Sid, on the power of the resurrection, I want you to be and be bold like a lion and demonstrate it, and pray for the people. And let’s believe for bones to come alive, organs to come alive, dreams to come alive. I want you to start praying out loud in the Holy Ghost. One, two, three! Pray in the Holy Ghost. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray right now for an impartation of the power of the resurrection! The power of the resurrection, Father, come upon Ryan, come upon Sid and when I count to 3, the fresh infilling of the power of the resurrection. I release it upon their hands, I release it upon their mouth, and when they pray for organs and the organs come alive, miracle signs and wonders be activated. If there are more pastors here, pastors come up here. There are pastors here. I want you to stand here. Pastors, come up here, stand here. Organize, organize here please, one line, one line, one line, one line, please, come over here, come over here. (prays in tongues) C’mon, pray in the Holy Ghost, people (prays in tongues) I need somebody behind them, please, help me here, please. I need you to help me behind them, please. C’mon hurry up, help me, help me pastors. C’mon pastor, pray in the Holy Ghost. It is not enough being filled in Spirit one time. You need receive fresh impartation, and the Holy Spirit is releasing fresh impartation of the power of the resurrection! When I count to three, you receive that quickening in your spirit, quicken your body. Father, I release fresh impartation of the power of the resurrection. One — there you go, there you go, it’s over him — two — three — three, power, power, power, power, power, power, power, power, power in Jesus” name. Jesus. There you go. There you go. C’mon, pray in the Holy Ghost, pray in the Holy Ghost, pray in the Holy Ghost.

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admin on January 27th, 2019

GUILLERMO:  Can we bring heaven on earth now?


GUILLERMO:  Well, that’s the question. Can we bring it? Well, you can’t bring God into now without revelation.  And if we got information nothing’s going to happen. So the reason we need the supernatural is the supernatural demonstrates God in the now. Number 2, the reason we need the supernatural is because of the impossible circumstances that we face. In other words, there’s some things in life that you will face that will take a miracle.  Do you have anything that you need now, need a miracle? Your finances? Your marriage? You need a miracle, so we need a miracle.  Number 3, if we know why do we need the supernatural? I can tell you. It proves that Jesus is alive now! Every time we demonstrate the supernatural… I was ministering in Argentina, and this little girl, 9 years old came to me —and her mother said to me “can you pray for my daughter?” And I said what’s wrong with her? And she said, “Well, she was born without one eye.” And I said, Well, I tell one of my leaders, I said you can pray for her, because I’m not the only one, I said you can do it. And he pray[ed] for the little girl and [in front of] my eyes the Lord created a new eye ball. So that is bringing God here and now. Now the person that prayed is not a bishop, is not a reverend, honorable —you know, he was a normal person. So this is for you too. Can I hear an “amen”?


GUILLERMO:  This is for you too. You need to step out. So now, why we need the supernatural? Because — all the promises of God are based on 2 things. The previous knowledge, advanced knowledge of God and the ability to do what He promised. In other words, every promise that God has made you and me it takes a miracle to do what he promised. There are things in your life — I built a temple for 27 million dollars. I didn’t have anything, nothing. It took a miracle to raise 27 million dollars. And God did it. So what happened? Well, God promised me. He said I want you to build me a temple debt free. Whatever He has promised you it will take a miracle. Otherwise, if God didn’t say it you can do it on your own. But that is not supernatural. Supernatural is something that you will say is above and beyond. God has called you in the power of the resurrection to live a life above and beyond. You need to raise up above your circumstances. You need to raise up above your problems, your sickness, your diseases, c’mon put your hands together and give him a big praise!


GUILLERMO:  God is raising you up above your circumstances, your sickness, above cancer, beyond cancer. He’s a supernatural God. You cannot conform with religion. Religion cannot do anything. See that’s the difference between kingdom and religion. Any religion cannot bring God into now. They will speak to you about historical God. But they cannot bring God into the now. Can you prove that Jesus is alive? Now, so you know why in Argentina God said to me pray for that little girl, because  He said because I want you to demonstrate that I am alive now. I step out in faith. So this is the thing. So why the supernatural. Because I told you, there’s promises of God that will take a miracle. It will be impossible to accomplish, to do what He promised you without a miracle. Can I hear an “amen”? Now —let me finish and then I minister. We understand God cannot be seen outside of being supernatural. It’s an insult to God. He is above —in other words, if you put God as natural you are limiting God. Religion, Christian religion, because among those Christians there’s some religious people, have told you and have taught you to limit God. God is above the laws of nature, God is above any circumstance. God is above. But in our mind we’ve been taught to limit God. So I’m going to announce something today: Take the limits out of God. I’m going to say it again: Take the limits out of God! Whatever He has promised you He will do. He has promised you to heal your body He will do. He will promise you He will bring your kids home back, He will do. It doesn’t matter what [it] takes, [if] he had to move mountains He will do it —


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