admin on June 18th, 2018



LARRY:   But it was like, it was like all of this stuff started happening. Now here’s what people don’t know that don’t study history. On a parallel track with Renaissance in the 14th -1500’s “The Black Plague” covered the earth. 75 million people died during the Renaissance Movement from the Black Plague. So, in other words it was the best of times and the worst of times. It was, it was the good, the bad and the ugly coming at the same time. It was how you were postured, who you were at, how you were postured. So the things that are coming on the earth, it’s not, it’s not good to say, “I don’t like that,” or “do like that”, or “Was that God?”, “Is that good?” It’s just good to say “It doesn’t matter what comes on the earth. I’m in Christ, I’m a Joseph waiting in prison for them to go… for food to die and nobody having water, because I had a vision and a plan and I’m about to do a jailbreak on them and go to the CEO of Egypt and I’m about to save the church and the world because listen…” I had difficulties, constraints and bitter times and judgment times for many women who have destinies [that] are opportunities for a stepping stone into the next pet plan of God. So every judgment is a stepping stone for destiny-designed Christians to be able to embrace the next move of God. So it’s just, it’s just a matter of posture, it’s just a matter of getting yourself situated. Right. So I believe… so Larry, are bad things coming? Oh, you’d better believe it. There’s some really bad things coming. But when you read church history, at least, at least I hope they’re not going to burn you at the stake. I mean, I mean, you know, you know, you know our worst nightmare as, as, as Western Christians is that we get a bad steak at the restaurant. You know, I mean it’s like and we send it back because, bless God, I’m not eating this thing, you know, it’s raw. But I mean, like, I mean, I mean, c’mon, I mean people were martyred for the king… you know, for Christ, and, and people were martyred in the Dark Ages and worse things than that happened to them. So are bad things coming? Yes. But bad things have always been there. You know Jesus taught about the evil as always there. But here’s what the scripture says: “Behold, darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people, BUT”… my favorite transitional word in the Bible, “the glory of the Lord shall arise upon the people of God and His glory shall be seen upon them.” SO what is bad for some, listen, what was bad for the people of Noah’s day was a deliverance for the people in the Ark. So our posture is the “Ark.” And Hebrews says that ark was Christ. So Jesus is our defense, He is our bulwark, He is our “hiding place,” as Psalm 91 says. He is that Ark. So are bad times coming? Yes. But listen. Major, incredible Renaissance is coming. Oh my, the Lord. And you’re thinking the Lord’s got to be out of ideas. Oh you have no idea how the Lord, you know, poor Lord. I was thinking about this today. The Lord has to go to every church in the world every Sunday morning. I’m thinking poor Jesus! Lord, I’m so sorry, that must be so boring. How do you stay awake?

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admin on June 11th, 2018

MICHAEL BROWN: Football can be a really dangerous sport. You know there are times when an athlete gets a bad injury, a concussion and now they’re injured for life. They’ve got brain damage. But, what happens is it awakens the whole sport and they realize, okay, we need a lot more player safety. So, even though one person suffered it’s for the good of everyone. I saw one time in a school, oh, young people, they were all driving their cars to school and one got in a terrible accident and they got killed because they didn’t have a seatbelt on. And it started this safety movement where all the kids started wearing seatbelts. So, even though the one kid died, it was a terrible loss, it brought safety for everybody else. But, what if in God’s plan, instead of an athlete getting a concussion, or a young person dying in a car accident, what if in God’s plan one person could suffer and everybody else could go free? Everybody else could learn a big life-changing lesson from it. What if one person’s death caused millions of people to turn around and live differently? What if one person dying could mean salvation and forgiveness and new life for millions of people? You say, “It would be worth it, but who could do something like that?” “Who could give their life for something like that?”

Think of this. What if there was one person, so perfect, so good, never did anything wrong. Loved God, loved people, so pure and God looked down on the world and He saw how bad we were. I mean, all the sexual scandal, sexual harassment, all the lust, all the uncleanness, all the greed. All the junk that’s in our hearts that turn us away from God. And cause us to do things that we know are wrong. God looks down at the world and He says, “You all are gonna have to pay.” “You’re all gonna have to die.” “I can’t receive any of you into my family because you are just too bad.” And what if this One who is perfect, who never did anything wrong, who was so pure, who was just totally unblemished, what if He said to God, “Father, I will die in their place. Because I don’t owe you anything. I’ll pay for what everybody did. So that you can forgive them.” You say, “That would be too good to be true.” Well, it happened my friends. This is what is written in our New Covenant scriptures. This is how God loved the world that He gave His only Son, His perfect Son named Jesus, Yeshua. He died so we could live as the prophet Isaiah said, “We’ve all gone astray, everyone is turned to his own way, but the Lord laid on Him the sin of all of us.”

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admin on June 4th, 2018

MICHAEL BROWN: Father, we look to you today. Lord, you know how many people will be able to watch these shows in Israel and Jewish people around the world. Lord, we ask for Your wisdom, Your anointing, Your clarity, the force of Your Spirit, for truth to come out, Lord, and that, that You would arrest people, and You’d put ideas in my mind, that Your Spirit would be upon us. And that You would use these messages, Lord, to bring many, many thousands, hundreds of thousands of Jewish people to faith in Your Son. Do it, Father, by the power of your Spirit. We ask it in Yeshua’s Name. Amen.

MICHAEL BROWN: What if someone told you, you can’t read this book. No, no, no! You can’t read this book. Don’t touch this book. If I were you, I’d be curious about it. What is it that’s in this book that you don’t want me to know? What is it that’s in this book that’s so dangerous? What is it that’s in this book that I can’t see it and I can’t read it for myself? Do you know it’s in our sacred Jewish literature that there are some books that we cannot read? Do you know that one of these books tells the story of a famous Jewish rabbi? In fact, the most famous Jewish rabbi of all time? But, we’re told we’re not allowed to read this book and if we read this book then we don’t have a portion in Ah’lam haabaa (sp?, I’m spelling it phonetically), in the world to come. Do you know this book tells the story about this rabbi who was rejected by the leaders of his day because he was a threat to the religious system? Did you know that this book tells you how you can receive eternal life? Do you know that this book is Jewish from beginning to end? You say, then, then, then why don’t the rabbis want me to read the book? Could it be there’s something in this book when you read it your eyes will be opened? Could it be when you read this book you realize that you can have access direct to God and that you don’t need to go to a synagogue to find God; you can find God right where you are? You know the book I’m talking about? It’s a Jewish book called the Breet haa da’shah (phonetic spelling). The New Testament. The New Covenant writings.

You say, “Isn’t that for the church? Isn’t that Catholic? Isn’t that for the goyim, for the gentiles?” No! It’s a Jewish book from beginning to end and it’s about Jewish people and it’s about a Jewish rabbi name Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah. Maybe you heard Him called Ye’shu, but He’s the most famous rabbi who ever lived. And when you read this book you’ll make an amazing discovery. First, no rabbi ever taught the way this rabbi taught. Your eyes will be opened in ways you never knew before. And He cuts right down to the bottom line and talks about your need for God. And you know what He says? It’s not so much about how much you pray and strive and try and ‘I’m going to find God.’ He came looking for you! He said He came to seek and save the lost and you know the most amazing thing of all? Because we sin, because we were disobedient, because we didn’t do the will of God we should all die because of it, but instead He died and took our place. It’s an amazing story. It’s all written in the pages of this book. Read the Breet haa da’shah for yourself. I challenge you to do it.

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admin on May 20th, 2018

Last week, I was at a funeral for a great man of God’s wife, Terry Mise.  And Terry Mise is one of the directors of International Convention of Faith Ministers.  And his wife went onto Glory, it’s been two weeks ago now.  But at the funeral, there’s three hundred men of God there and Ken Hagan Jr is doing the service.  But Terry Mise gets up at the end of the service and he shares personal testimony.  And one of the things that he shared is how when they got married, some forty years previous, Jackie said, “Terry, I can’t marry you” and he said, “Why?”  And she said, “Well, I’ve not been truthful.  A couple of things I’ve not told you, that you don’t know and I can’t marry you”.  This is two weeks before the wedding.  He said, “What?”  She said, “Well, doctors said that I have a disease and that by the time I’m thirty, I’m going to be an invalid.”  And he said, “Well, what’s the other thing?”  She said, “Well, doctors said because of another medical problem I was born with or that I have, I’ll never be able to have children; medically impossible for me to have children and I know you want a family.”  So he said, “Who told you that?”  She said, “Well, doctors.”  He said, “That’s not what God says.  Whose report are you going to believe?  Are you going to believe the report of the natural world or are you going to believe the report of an Almighty God that says you can do all things by the anointing, by Christ in you?  Who are you going to believe?”  Well, Terry chose to believe God, and Jackie, they got married in two weeks.  She went on to be with the Lord, sixty-four years old.  And although she died early, what the doctors said was proved wrong and they have four beautiful children and a whole barn full of grandchildren.  See Terry believed the Word.  And as you believe the Word, and that’s why we’re going to put time into understanding some basic principles of the will of God, because faith begins where the will of God is known.  And as we establish some of these foundation principles and faith, it’s going to help you to step into the operation of the gifts of the Spirit.  And know, absolutely know, every one of those gifts are there for you to advance the kingdom.  And even though we’ll see, some of the gifts are unique to different people, let’s quote, call it specialties, because God distributes separately as He wills.  But He says, “Covet the best gifts”.  The best gift is what you need to get the job done.  So whether the job that needs to be done is you getting out of debt or for you to do whatever you’re going to do in fulfilling the mission or overcoming some problem, handicap or whatever sickness it might be.  That’s really the elements, the basic elements of faith, you know; your needs.

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admin on May 13th, 2018

Many times in meetings, I’ll get somebody that’s not saved.  I’ll get them saved and then I’ll get them baptized in the Holy Ghost.  Then, I’ll demonstrate through them their ability to go out and do the miraculous.  Because being able to do the miraculous isn’t based on you; it’s God in you.  It’s the power of the Holy Spirit.  And the moment you are born again and baptized with the Holy Ghost, you are qualified to do the miraculous.  I often times say, “God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called”.  As a born again, Spirit filled believer, you are called to the supernatural.  You are called to do the miraculous.  Now you can do it the moment you are Spirit filled; I demonstrate this all the time in doing meetings where somebody gets born again, baptized with the Holy Ghost and immediately I’ll demonstrate through them the gifts of healings and the operations of the Spirit.  Ninety-nine percent of the time, the people that they pray for are instantly healed.  Why?  It’s the gift of the Spirit.  It’s the operation of God through the Holy Spirit.  But what I want you to know, is that you can improve.  I like to use the word “gooder”.  It can get gooder.  I know that’s not a good word but it’s a word I made up and I’ll give you permission to use it.  And you’re going to get gooder in the operation of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit.  And what we’re going to see as we dig into this, is the importance of faith.  More than anything, you need simplistic childlike faith; because it’s not hard.  I’m going to do the best I can, over the course of the study, to make it simple and practical for you.  I’m going to give you an example here with my son.  When I drove over his little plastic gun, his dun, and it’s pulverized.  He’s looking at it; quivering lip, tear running down his cheek, but with childlike faith, he looks up at me and he says, “

That’s OK Dad, you can fix it”.  Oh God, How much greater can it get…”Dad, it’s OK, you can fix it”.  This is where I believe this study wants to go for you.  That you know that you serve a miracle working God.  Nothing is impossible.  Nothing is difficult.  Literally, everything Jesus did, every sign, every wonder, and every miracle; He wants you to do it.  And I tell you what, we are in a time where there’s an out pouring of the Holy Spirit.  God is giving wisdom and understanding and revelation like never before.  Why?  Because God wants to see the entire world saved.  And we’re going to be looking at this here; He wills that no man perish.  Amen.

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