admin on October 13th, 2014


Sid: We want everyone everywhere to know the wonderful Messiah we serve as I pointed out on yesterday’s broadcast as I was quoting from Isaiah 9:6.  This child shall be known as Wonderful, Miracle, this will be a miracle child.  It will be so miraculous that when you know Him and speak His Name in faith miracles are going to erupt. And sometime this week maybe even today miracles are going to erupt so get ready.  Because I’m emphasizing Jesus known as Yeshua as He came to Israel in the form of a child. Born through the Ruach haKodesh and you learned that yesterday the Spirit of God coming on his mother.  And her name wasn’t Mary.  If you had called her name Mary 2000 years ago they would say “Huh, who you talking about her name was Miriam.”  The whole thing is Jewish.

I got a letter the other day and in this letter the person says “I don’t understand why you’re into these Jewish things Sid; I don’t understand why you can’t just be like everyone else.”  To be quite candid with you I don’t understand why I can’t be like everyone else either.  But I have always had a passion for God.  And I have found that one of the things that gets in the way; one of the barriers that gets in the way of intimacy with God is religious tradition generated by religious spirits.

So when I see something that is a religious spirit be it in the Gentile Church; be in it Messianic Judaism;  be it in Orthodox Judaism; be it in Islam; be it in anything that gets in the way of getting to know God; intimacy with God; I scrap it.  And so that’s why I wrote my latest book “The Race to Save the World.”  Of course there’s a chapter in there about a relay race about how… and you’ve seen relay races of where someone is running on a team a lap and then they pass the baton to another member of their team.  And you always save the anchor person for the last lap.  I point out the anchor person is not the Jew and the anchor person is not the Gentile.  It’s the Jew and Gentile with the wall of separation coming down and the two running the last lap.  Because see your anchor person has to be the fastest; the swiftest runner because it looks like your team is losing but I tell you no one; no thing, nothing can stop the champion of God.  The One New Man; the Jew and Gentile running arm and arm together that last lap.  And that’s what I had in mind when the title “The Race to Save the World” was designed.

However, as I have looked upon that title I see God had something in addition in mind.  The race is a new creation.  So the race to save the world is the one new man; the one new creation because we Jewish people were faithful to God.  It says in scripture that a debt of gratitude is owed to the Jewish people; because of them is the service.  You know what the word service in the Greek means?  The worship; I believe that when the Jewish people come in to the Body of Messiah we’re going to have a new music.  We’re going to have a new song that is going to come directly from Heaven. It says the Jewish people we owe a debt of gratitude because of them is the glory.  I believe when the Jewish people come into the church we’re going to see an increased glory.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the Jewish people because of them is the Messiah; to them is the salvation.  The job of the Jew is to evangelize the Gentile.  Now we need Gentiles saved; so we need Jewish believers to come into the Body of Messiah to get Gentiles saved according to the laws of evangelism.  But then Gentile believers brings something into the recipe if you will.  You know what the Gentile believers bring?  Two-thousand year heritage of walking with God.

You know what Gentiles bring to the recipe?  It says “Salvation has come,” in Romans 11:11, “Salvation has come to the Gentile to provoke the Jew to jealousy.”  There is an anointing on Gentile believers to reach Jews.  So not one people group can be exalted above another people group because we all owe everything to God.  The Gentile owes a debt of gratitude to the Jew and the Jew owes a debt of gratitude to the Gentile.  And when the two anointing’s the ancient Jewish anointing and the Gentile anointing merge together it’ll be greater than those two anointing’s ever were when they were separated.

Now you understand in the 2nd Chapter of the book of Ephesians why Paul said that Jesus came to break down the middle wall of separation between Jew and Gentile to form one new man.  The devil knows that Jesus cannot return until the Jewish people say “Blessed is he who comes in the name in the Name of the Lord; who comes in the Name of the Lord..”  Baruch Haba B’shem Adonai. Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.” So he knows if he can stop Jewish people from coming to know the Messiah he can stop the return of Jesus. Well, he can’t he’s dumb but he’s doing everything possible.  And that’s why for the last 2000 years the most anti-Jewish identifiable people group have been those that have called themselves Christians.  Of course Jesus had a definition for Christian.  He said “You’ll know my disciples by their love,” not by their crusades and by their inquisitions. Even many Jewish people today believe that Adolph Hitler was a Christians.  Why because he quoted church fathers like Martin Luther.  The encyclopedia Judaica says “Short of the gas ovens the entire plan for the Holocaust was implemented by words written by church fathers such as Martin Luther.”  And some of you say “Outrageous.” I say to you that you’re uneducated; get educated think for yourself.

The book “The Race to Save the World” is a book whose time has come.  It’s a book that I believe will show you God’s balance on the Biblical festivals.  You see religious spirits try to get you on one side of the ditch or the other.  There are some that say if you don’t worship on the Shabbat Saturday. If you don’t follow the Biblical festivals it’s a salvation issue.  Huh! That’s not what my Bible says “You are saved by belief that Yeshua died for your sins and having repented of your sins you’ve accepted his atonement plus nothing. But here we are where God is moving Israel front and center stage.  And there are many with religious spirits that are so putting people under bondage with these festivals rather than the joy and the excitement and the miracles that are supposed to be connected with them, and the freedom; that’s the operative word; the freedom that many Christians are throwing out the baby with the dirty bathwater.  You don’t want to do this.  Have you asked yourself why that little dot on the map Israel concerns the entire world?  Why the entire world has opinions on Israel?  There’s never been a tiny dot on the map; it’s about the size of Rhode Island and the whole issue of Israel is on front page news in every major newspaper in the world.  Why is this going on?  Because God is up to something big.

I never saw this before.  I saw that the devil was trying to destroy the Jewish people and separate Jews and Christians to prevent Jesus from returning.  That I saw very clearly, but what I never saw before is the devil is trembling in his boots when the two anointing’s merge and form the one new man.  And the glorious church becomes the glorious church because the glory of God is going to be so awesome.  So if you want to understand the next move of God’s spirit; if you want to understand the law of evangelism; if you want to see how this is going to play out get a copy of my latest book “The Race to Save the World.”

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admin on October 8th, 2014


Sid: I love it where it’s talking about the one new man in the book of Ephesians the 2nd chapter.  And it says “When the two become one that the full presence of God will be demonstrated on earth.”  That’s the why the devil is working so hard to destroy the nation Israel; that’s why the church has so much crazy teaching about replacing the Jew and Israel because the devil’s worst nightmare is when the spiritual DNA of a Jewish believer in Jesus combines with the spiritual DNA of a gentile believer in Jesus and makes a full dwelling place of God by His Spirit.  Now my guest is Perry Stone because Perry has just come out with a new teaching series that I mean it caught my ear so strongly when I heard him talking about the teaching on the book of Revelation.  Because I was one Perry that is I’m such a pragmatic; and my biggest asset is my biggest liability. I’m a pragmatic type of person; I’m a logical type of person and as you know you don’t have all the facts because you’re dealing with God.  But if I can’t understand the book of Revelation I’m not going to spend a lot of time with it.  But when you came out with your 7 DVD’s series and syllabus called “Breaking the Apocalypse Code,” and by the way what does the word apocalypse mean?

Perry: Well, in Greek the Apuleius is actually the real book of Revelation in Greek.  And it means the unveiling of the something that was hid; something that was concealed to unveil it to release the understanding of it.

Sid: And if there ever been a time to release the understanding of it it’s now.  I have to ask you this question.  Based on your 80,000 hours of research how close are we to the return of Jesus?

Perry: You know I get asked that question quite a bit and honestly to put a summary on time I could say I really don’t know I don’t have a clue because God’s time is not always our time.  I will tell you though the alignment of… in Daniel 11 the fall of Egypt and the collapse of Egyptian government and the situation there, the collapse of Libya those are two nations specific listed in Daniel 11 that the future anti-Christ will take over.  So there had to be a shakeup in the governments there to create a void. The situation in Syria where we almost went to war with Syria.  And the fact that he has the chemical weapons; you know Isaiah 17 talks about Damascus being destroyed. And then you have Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 which is a very famous well known prophecy about the war of Gog and Magog and it mentions Persia as one of the leading nations that will be an enemy of Israel. And of course Persia is Iran and for several years Iran has been attempting to develop nuclear weapons and Israel has had to worry about that and deal with that.  And so those types of predictions especially as it relates to wars; because we know that the antichrist in chapter 13 says “Who can make war against him.”  Wars are going to be very prominent in the time of the end and also during what we call; the Bible calls tribulation period.  Those are some of the indicators that were really moving into another cycle.  I think Sid that prophecy moves in seasons and it moves in cycles.  You know even the disciples… Christ said to the disciples “That it’s not for you to know the times or the seasons of when I’m going to set up the Kingdom in Israel that the Father has put in His own power.”  And so Paul later writes in Thessalonians “Brethren you have no need that I write to you of the times and seasons because now you know perfectly well that the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night.”

Sid: Well based on your 80,000 hours of research.

Perry: Hmm hm.

Sid:  Is there anything stopping the Lord’s return in the next decade?

Perry: I don’t see anything.  I see that there are two major prophecies that are going to be fulfilled by the church.  The church is the only one that can fulfill these.  Number 1 is Matthew 24:14 “The gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world to all nations and then the end would come.”  So the message of the gospel and that Christ is coming; that’s the Kingdom that the King is coming.  And it’s going to be revived around the world; people are going to begin to hear about the return of the Lord.  They’re going to be knowing it and when that message spreads and people receive it.  And only God knows when that fullness of times comes and it is called the fullness of time in Ephesians chapter 1:9 & 10.  The dispensation of the fullness of time; that’s when He gathers together the family of God in Heaven and Earth.  Only God knows that time.  When that takes place that’s part of the church’s assignment for the time of the end.  And the 2nd is in Acts chapter 2 also mentioned in Joel 2 how the Holy Spirit is going to be poured out on all flesh in the last days and there will visions and there will be dreams.  This is happening already.

Sid:  Especially to Muslims and Jews which is really getting me excited.

Perry: Oh, we’re seeing Muslims contact us that are having visions of Jesus appear to them and say “He is the way and the truth and the life.” And they’re turning their heart without any actual preacher preaching to them.

Sid:  Perry on yesterday’s broadcast we were talking about a great great heresy thats sweeping throughout Christendom.  And it’s called; it has lots of names it’s called “kingdom now” or “preterist” which believes that every things been fulfilled. And many of them believe that things are getting better and because of the church we’re going to take over and then hand the Kingdom over to Jesus on a silver platter when He returns. That things are really getting better; what’s your opinion of that?

Perry: Well, if my dad were living today he would probably make a comment something like this “I can’t believe that people are that dumb to believe that.”

Sid: (Laughing)

Perry:  But looking at it from a total scriptural perspective go; this is what I would say to anyone. Go to the New Testament scriptures about the time of the end this is the last days the seducing spirits; departing of the faith.  Just look at the verses that they wrote and they have two train tracks going in the same direction toward the time of the end.  On one you have the church who has overcomers.  Who are going to be overcomers; who are going to be looking for the Lord to return but at the same are doing the work of God.  And it’s a glorious church without spot, wrinkle or blemish; the true church.  So you have that church and they’re all over the world. Same time running on a parallel track “In the last days some will depart the faith giving head to seducing spirits; doctrines of devils; conscience seared with a hot iron; truce breakers; incant unthankful; unholy.”  You start reading not just about the signs of earthquakes, famines and pestilence which we always through history we’ve had those now than we’ve ever had which is a sign.  But when you look at what he describes Paul wrote to Timothy about he describes the condition.  Roman’s 1 “Men with men; women with women doing that which is unseemly, worshiping the creature more than the creator.  All these things; the days of lot; the days of Noah comparing those times to now.  You can’t see the world getting better because right now in Ephesians chapter 2 Satan is the power of the air.  But in Corinthians Paul called him the god of this world.  And in Luke 4 if you want a verse that really will amaze people when they read it when Satan is tempting Jesus to bow and worship him and he says “I’ll give you the kingdoms of the world.”  Satan said “For they have been delivered unto me and to whomsoever I will I can give them.”  Now that doesn’t sound possible because we know that in Daniel 2 God is the one that can set up a king and take out a king.  So in the ultimate God can control who is there prophetically according to His will.  But at the same time this is how you explain a dictator coming to power or wrecking a country and killing people. This is how you can explain a world leader who is such a terrible world leader because his heart is inspired by Satan. And if it was not a temptation for Jesus to bow and take the kingdoms of the world it would not have been a temptation.  So it says He was tempted and so somehow Satan has this limited control at this time.  And the only way Sid that he’s going to lose the grip of world governments and some people that lead them is the return of the Lord when Satan is bound a 1000 years in the bottomless pit.  And in the book of revelation it’s the Greek world “abusos” which is the word abyss, which is a huge chamber somewhere underneath the earth. And he is confined there for a period of 1000 years then there is peace on the earth for 1000 years.  They beat their swords into plowshares; meaning there’s no more war and the lion and you know the calf lie down together.  And the young child Isaiah said can even get around a snake and not be afraid in the millennial reign; the 1000 year reign of Christ.  That does not happen before the King returns. And I like to say it this way; this kind of sums up the whole way I think about the subject.  You cannot have a kingdom unless you have a king. And He has made us kings and priest unto God but there is only one King; King of kings Lord of Lords that’s Revelation 19. When Christ; when Christ… oh, I just feel something right here to say this.  In Heaven Christ is presently the High Priest of the profession of our faith.  But in the book of Revelation this is the whole theme of the book; this is why it’s a revelation of Jesus Christ.  The book of Revelation show you the transference of Jesus from High Priest in Heaven where He’s been up there for over 1900 years interceding for us to becoming a King of kings and a Lord of lords.  He was called a Prophet on Earth; He is the High Priest of Heaven now; He will be the King of kings in the future.  And you can’t have an actual kingdom on earth until you have the king ruling over the kingdom.  And that Kingdom rule of the Messiah comes in Revelation 19 and the timing is whenever the end of the 7 year tribulation takes place.  And He comes back with the armies of Heaven who are the saints who have been in Heaven with Him.  And He literally sets up a visible physical Kingdom on earth.  And Zechariah says that Jewish people would even go to Him and say “Where did you get these wounds?”  And He will say “I got them in the house of My friends.  Christ will even maintain the scars that He had at His crucifixion to prove the was the suffering Messiah worthy to be the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and to become the King over the entire world during the 1000 year reign.

Sid: Perry there is so much controversy; so many different views on the rapture; when the rapture’s going to be.  And as far as I’m concerned you have the clearest teaching on this.

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admin on October 2nd, 2014

Charles Cowan

Sid: My guest is Pastor Charles Cowan Pastor of Faith Is The Victory Church in Nashville, Tennessee.  I’m interviewing him on his brand new book titled “How to Deal With the Cares of Life.”  You know Charles it talks about the seed being the word of God and then different types of ground.  And one type of ground it talks about that when the testing comes you’re not going to stand; when the cares of life come you’re not going to stand.  Explain the different type of ground.

Charles:  Well you know Jesus talks about you know the stony ground; He talks about you know about the different levels there now.  Here’s what will determine what type of ground that an individual might be.  Whatever an individual allows to go on in their mind will control the level or will control the kind of soil or ground that they become. Also what they allow to go on in their mind controls the level of peace that they will enjoy in life. So what we have to do we have to be sure we become the good ground for the word of God.  Now what Satan does with these cares that he brings they are specifically designed to steal the word of God out of the believer.

Sid: Alright, what is the Bible mean by the phrase “Cares of life?”

Charles: It means distraction, cares just simply means the distractions of life that will distract us from God; distract us from what God has said, distracting us from the word of God.  Now they could come in the form of financial lack, it could come in the form of even sickness and disease, it could come in the form of family relationships.  There is a multitude of ways that care can be introduced into the life of a believer, or the life of any person.

Sid:  What about the people that lived in Washington, D.C. when that the shooter was just murdering people at random and no one knew what happened and they were literally afraid to go out of their house?

Charles: See they were terrified, that situation brought so much fear to that community; that community was terrorized.  Not just by the individuals that were using guns, but they were terrorized by this thing called fear.  And it is a work of the enemy; it is called a spirit the spirit of fear.  So they… every time they stepped outside their home they had to deal in their thinking with these thoughts of “Could I be the next one?  Where would the next place that this terrorist will strike.”  So yeah, they had to deal with that in their mind and if they didn’t know how to deal with that in their mind in their thought life it would actually drive them into their house and they would not come out of their house for fear of what might happen to them in a situation like that.  Well now that’s what Satan seeks to do; he seeks to drive every one of us as it were into our house so that we will not come out in the advancement of kingdom of God; in the advancement of the word of God.

Sid: How about someone that witnesses and the person they could have witnessed to someone like my father.  I come from a Jewish background and I remember a Christian friend of mine came up to me one time and he said “I sat next to your father, I didn’t know he was your father, but the minute he mentioned your name I started witnessing to him and he screamed so loud I ran out of that restaurant.”  That man may never share again with another human!

Charles:   Well that’s true now until he’s taught; until he gets into a place where he can be taught how to deal with that to overcome that.  He may never do it; that situation may have been on his mind that every time that he thinks about witnessing fear is the thing that grips his thoughts and mind.

Sid: Alright what should he do; what should he do?  What should he do let’s take this example right here. If that were you what would you do?  You just had this traumatic encounter in witnessing, the devil is telling you in every fiber of your being “Never witness again that’s someone else’s ministry.”  God has said “This is the purpose that your living.” Now what are you going to do Charles?

Charles  When that happens you have to determine which way you’re going to go, you’re going to determine if you’re going to go with the thing that’s bringing the stimuli to you that external thing.  Or you have to determine if you’re going to follow what you know that the word of God tells you to do.  How He tells you from His word how to handle your particular situation.  And so you determine then that you’re going to go by practicing what you have read from the word.  Putting it into practice what you know that the word of God says.  You know the word says “Casting all of your care, or casting all of your distraction over on Him because He cares for you.”  So you simply make the choice, and I say simply, yeah that you simply make the choice that you are not going to follow what the external thing is that has created the emotions and the feelings that you’re having.  But you’re going to do what God tells you to do going to set your mind on Him on His word.  And you’re going to put it into practice and become a doer in what God has instructed you to do; so that God’s power and God’s Spirit can work with you and work for you to bring you above that situation.  You know Peter and his writings say “Cast all your care on Him for He cares for you.” And that verse before he says “Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due season.” In other words, the word exalt means that He elevate you above what it is that you are dealing with in your life at that point in time.

Sid:  So what you’re saying again in other words it’s a choice but when you choose to side with the word of God you get elevated supernaturally to be able to demonstrate it.

Charles: That’s exactly right. Now we talked about it today one day earlier here that “How can two walk together except they agree.”  God’s power is available to me to exalt me or to elevate me above this situation but I’ve got to come into agreement with Him.  And so therefore I have to make my mind I have to make up my mind that I am going to go God’s way no matter what I feel, no matter what the emotions may be that I’m feeling.  No matter what the situation is that I’m dealing with that I’m going to go God’s way so I’m going to cast that thing over on God.  And say God here it is “You take care of it now elevate me above it so that I can walk victorious over it and move on with my life so this thing does not bog me down and keep me in a defeated place in my life.” So it’s a matter of a choice, all of us make choices.  We make choices about a lot of things every day and the word of God is no different. God does not make choices for us; he does not force us to do things that we do not choose to do.  He said “I have set before you life and…

Sid:  I wish He did; I wish He forced us to do the right things.  I mean He’s just too good.    It would be easier to be forced.  I’m that pragmatic type of person I wish it wasn’t a choice but it is.

Charles: It is a choice and He made us that way and gave us this power of choice and the freedom of our will.  Because He wants us to follow Him and to walk with Him and to worship Him out of the freedom, or out of our freewill because we want Him and He’s not forcing us to take Him.  Everything that we do where God’s concerned is a choice it’s a choice whether a person accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, or whether they don’t.  It’s a choice whether or not whether the read the Word of God; it’s a choice of whether or not they think upon the word of God. Everything in life it’s a choice; we choose to get up in the morning; we may not want to we may not feel like it but we make the choice “I’m going to get up because there are things I need to tend to through the day.”  So if a person doesn’t make up their mind or does not choose to follow God God is not going to force them.  But His power that’s available to them is not going to be there for them because they haven’t chosen to agree with Him so God’s power cannot work for them in that situation.  So choices every day we make choices, and so He said “I set before you in the book of Deuteronomy I’ve set before you life and death, blessing and cursing therefore you choose life. Now listen to this you choice life that both and you and your seed may live.”  Every choice that we make affects more than just us as an individual it affects our seed.  And so God lays out there before us what He wants us to choose; but He lets us do the choosing.  And when we choose Him and choose to walk with Him then He comes together with us and His power is made available with us.  And He then will elevate us above the cares, the distractions, the problems whatever it is that’s come against my life He will elevate me above that and will bring me into a place of peace and cause me to have victory in every area of my life. So that’s what we have to do; we have to choose choose choose His word; choose what God said; choose to think on what God says.

Sid: I suggest that everyone listening make another quality choice; we are dealing in a tough world.  I don’t think it’s ever been as bad as it is today.

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admin on September 25th, 2014

Bill Morford

Sid: I want everywhere to know the Messiah and my guest is going to help you be discipled.  Because he has a translation of the New Testament with what I consider the freshest most alive translation I have read in a long, long time.  It’s almost like reading the New Testament for the first time. He calls it “The Power New Testament.”  He’s put  put together a couple of things in this translation because he’s not only a Hebrew scholar but he is a Greek scholar.  But he’s put together in this special translation his understanding of Jewish roots. But his understanding of the action words that were in the Hebrew language in the Jewish people where the first church were all Jewish believers and they were using these action words and they were using these action tenses.  And when you read this the reason that he calls it “The Power New Testament” is because that power is recaptured. I tell you the Holy Spirit will just come alive within you and understanding healing.  But somehow these Jewish roots and his Greek scholarship and his Hebrew scholarship it’s like a fresh reading of the New Testament.  Now there is a scripture and I’m speaking to the translator William Morford at his home in Lexington, South Carolina.  There’s a passage in the New Testament that I wrestle with and I image that everyone listening to us has wrestled with this and I’d like to get your understanding from a Jewish roots perspective and a power perspective. And it’s got to do with Matthew 5:17.Would you read that in your translation?

Bill:    “Do not think that I came to annul, to bring and incorrect in interpretation to the Torah or the Prophets; I did not come to annul but to bring spiritual abundance. For the Torah to be obeyed as it should be and for God’s promises to receive fulfillment. For truly I say to you; until the sky and the earth would pass away not one yod or one vav would ever pass away from the Torah, until everything would come to pass.”

Sid: And Bill the way you translated it it’s not a matter of salvation, it’s not a salvation issue, but it’s a matter of spiritual abundance. A matter of blessings and as a matter of fact there is another word you translate instead of saying law you say Torah. And when I see the word law I think of legalism, bondage.  But I have to tell you coming from a Jewish background which I do when I see the word Torah, which is the first 5 books of the Old Testament, I think of legalistic and bondage. But when you explain what the word Torah really means it takes on a whole new meaning. In your footnotes what does Torah mean?

Bill:  Torah actually means teaching or instruction.  And we have to view those commandments in there as the Lord teaching us.  He knows us because He made us and He made us in His image. He understands us totally.

Sid: You know the word instructions I’m almost thinking rather than Torah, rather than law, I’d much rather have the word instructions there.

Bill:  (Laughing)

Sid: There because to me that gives it much more meaning. In fact I’m toying… you and I are talking about putting together an Old and New Covenant, this is just a New Covenant.  And when we did… and I haven’t said this to you but I’d almost like to call it “The Book of Instructions.”  How does that sound to you?

Bill:  Oh, that sounds good it really does.

Sid: Well, I’d like you teach a little bit of some of these insights that you got from Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and from other studies that you just packed into “The Power New Testament.”

Bill:  Yeah, Eli was really spectacular just unbelievable.  To go to a Jewish Rabbi, which I went to him because he was the only Rabbi in town.

Sid: Yeah, but you didn’t even realize what a heritage this guy had; if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t be speaking Hebrew today in Israel.

Bill:  That’s right.

Sid: I mean if it wasn’t for his grandfather that is.

Bill:  He is as brilliant as his grandfather.  He speaks 8 languages and he is a true man of letters and just a wonderful warm person. He was very very helpful. And showed me his grandfather’s dictionary. Which was really amazing.  Well, we won’t get into that but…

Sid: But so the Mishpochah understand this his grandfather is the one that pioneered modern day Hebrew to be spoken language in Israel. And he had a dictionary and he literally came up with a lot of these Hebrew words, isn’t that true?

Bill:  Yes and he went to root words to find modern words to fit like “Ice Cream.”  He went to frozen milk and called it “glee-dah” in Hebrew.

Sid: Huh.

Bill:  But you know his dictionary now gives the meaning of each Hebrew word in Hebrew and gives an example from the Hebrew scriptures of how that word is used in scripture.  And then he gives the meeting in German and French and English and in Arabic.

Sid: Now I happen to be looking at my notes here in Luke and this is my favorite reading Bible and Luke 2:44 when there was a problem and Jesus was at the temple and they thought he was lost. You explain something that no one would understand. Explain that from Luke 2:44.

Bill:  Right when the people went to Jerusalem for a feast or any special occasion they go in a large group for safety.  And leaving Nazareth to go to Jerusalem the men would walk at each end of the column and the woman and children would walk in the middle.  But on the way home Jesus had been through the 1st century equivalent of what we now call the Bar Mitzvah And he would have gone home as a an adult. So they got a whole day away before Mary and Joseph realized that Jesus wasn’t with them. Because Mary knew that he wouldn’t be with her and Joseph would just assumed he was with other relatives at the other end of the column.  Then they had to go back to Jerusalem and spend 3 days looking for him.

Sid: You know another interesting thing you bring out, how many times is the word church found in the New Testament?

Bill:  Zero.

Sid:  And yet all of these translations say church. What does the Greek word really say?

Bill:  Congregation.

Sid: And what a difference because when I hear the word church I think building; but when I hear congregation I think people.

Bill:  Right.

Sid:  It makes a world of difference.

Bill: It does and it’s all about people and that’s still what God cares about today it’s our people.  I think that’s one of reasons that home churches are doing so well.  Like Yonggi Cho started, my goodness the people in his church can’t possibly get into the building because they number in the 100’s of thousands, but they really do well and grow spirituality in home meetings.  And it’s the congregation that’s being re-abled to relate to a pastor who knows you, who cares and who lays hands on you in a regular basis.  Just as Jesus laid hands on people all over Israel.

Sid:  Tell me about some of these idioms or Hebrewisms. For instance in Matthew 16:19 we talk about binding and loosening. What does that really mean?

Bill:  Well, to bind is to forbid in Hebrew and to loose means to permit. And what’s really significant about that goes on “I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven and whatever you would bind upon the earth would already have been bound in the heavens with ongoing affect.” See that particular tense in Hebrew, I mean in the Greek, means that.  And whatever you would loose upon the earth will already have been loosed in the heavens with ongoing affect.  So it means that we don’t bind anything that we don’t like because we don’t like it. But what we bind to be affective in that binding it must be something that has already been bound in heaven.  In other words, we have to go by God’s word and not by just things that bother us.

Sid: Okay, so for example you explain that many times in Bibles they translate sickness and they really should translate it evil.  So we know that from the word of God that God wants us to forbid evil.

Bill:  Absolutely.

Sid: And do you see this Mishpochah by understanding this I can see clearly why you call this “The Power New Testament.”  Give me one other quick example.

Bill:  Matthew 7:21 is a good one. While we’re in that book 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom of the heavens but the one that does the will of My Father; the one in the heavens. Many will say to Me on that day Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your Name?  And we cast out demons in Your Name and did many miracles in Your name.  And then I will declare to them that “I never knew you.”  You working without Torah must continually depart from me.”  So Jesus is saying you have to go by the teachings, by the scripture. And what is the second most commandment we have the second most important is “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  That’s why in Matthew 25 He talks about whatever you did for the least of these you have done for me.”  Those are the significant… that’s where our focus needs to be and doing His will is in taking care of other people.

Sid: Oops we’re out of time.

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admin on September 17th, 2014

Dr. Michael Brown

Sid: Well, my guest Dr. Michael Brown is red hot for the Messiah; he has his doctorate degree in near eastern languages; he’s Semitic language scholar. He speaks reads or writes some 12 different languages. He’s a Bible scholar; he provokes me to jealousy.  You and I we’re reading in English; he’s reading in Hebrew. I’m just curious Mike; “Do you feel that like you get more out of the word by reading in the original language than in the translations?

Michael:  Well, yes and no absolutely in terms of this is how it was written.  So an expression; a play on words the feel of it; the power of it; the precision of expression that you can only get by reading the original, so absolutely. I’m working on a commentary on Job right now.  I’m living in the Hebrew; I wrote a commentary on Jeremiah and lived in the Hebrew of that.  And so of course there are things that you can only get by reading the original. But I say “No,” in that God gave His word so that it could be translated into different languages, and there’s a certain power.  I’ll gladly pick up my Bible and read in English and drink in the power and the life of the words.  So everyone should be encouraged this is God’s word.  It’s not like the Koran if you can’t study it in Arabic it’s not the Koran. No, God gave it in such a way that everyone could read and understand; so you should have confidence as you read your English Bibles good translations. But oh, digging into the original that’s why I spent all these years.  So of course, it’s a delight; it’s a wonder and it also refutes a lot of error.  Just simple things a lot of the hyper-grace teaching if people could read the Hebrew and Greek fluently they would have never come up with it.

Sid: But you know what, man’s heart according to Jeremiah, is so deceitful that if you give them an inch they’ll take a mile.

Michael:  Oh no no no see that doesn’t apply to me any more I don’t have any remnant of any, this is what a hyper-grace teacher would say. “I have no remnant of a sinful nature. I have no remnant of the flesh. I am completely a new creation; not just positionally in Jesus but in reality therefore,” and some say “The battle with sin is decisively over and the spiritually is now effortless.”

Sid: What world are they living in?  (Laughing) Well you know.

Michael:  Well, it’s got to be self… okay there’s a reality and there’s a deception and that’s what I find throughout the hyper-grace message.  And that’s why I didn’t call it counterfeit grace there is some that it’s pure counterfeit but some have a truth; a wonderful truth and they’ll quote a lot of scripture about that truth.   But then they mix it with the error which is deception which leads to real serious deception which I’m watching unfold every day virtually and getting the horror stories about what’s happening.  Constantly coming my way.  So here’s the …

Sid: I want to give you an example, a pastor hears the hyper-grace message  and decides it’s okay for him to divorce his wife.  He remarries, he doesn’t repent of any sin; does he go to heaven?

Michael:  God is his judge, but this much I know if someone dies an unrepentant adulterer.  It’s one thing someone’s driving in their car and they think a wrong and they get in an accident and they’re not going to hell because they thought a wrong thought that’s just completely unscriptural.  But if someone the words very clear on lives a persistent unrepentant lifestyle either they were never saved or they have rejected Jesus as Lord.  I don’t like to think about losing our salvation; I like to think about forfeiting it. You have the right to walk away from God; God will not force you to stay with Him. I can turn my back on Him and walk away.  2nd Timothy 2:19 “The Lord knows those who are His.”  That’s His side; our side “Let everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord depart from iniquity.”  Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven.”  A hyper-grace person says “Man that’s salvation by works.”  I said “Oh no no that’s salvation; salvation really saves.”  And if I reject it it saves me from sin; if I reject it and turn my back on God and deny His Lordship. How can I Sid divorce my wife with no Biblical grounds; marry someone else. Now I’m in adultery in God’s sight and go on like that in an unrepentant way and say “Jesus is my Lord.”  He is not. He’s no longer my Lord. So someone can cast off the Lordship of Jesus and this is totally different than a believer saying “Lord I love You; I want to please you I’ve got this gambling thing and I’m struggling Lord help me?”  God’s compassion is so great Sid that He forgives; He reaches out. We fall on our face and He picks us up; He’s loving; He’s kind; He compassionate but when we harden our heart and think that there’s no consequences to my sin or think that God doesn’t deal with sin any more.  Or I can do whatever I want and it doesn’t affect my relationship with God, that’s danger. Sid there are hyper-grace teachers I document in my book who say this “No matter what you do it will have no effect on your relationship with God or it will have no effect on your salvation.”  That is a dangerous deception.

Sid: What would a hyper-grace teacher, or better yet how come hyper-grace teachers don’t deal with “The day of the Lord, judgment, hell, heaven” how come?

Michael:  Well, it contradicts the feel of the message.  In other words if I’m just saying God is love; God is good; God is kind; God is compassionate and I leave out God is just, I leave out God is wrathful; I leave out God punishes sin.  I leave out the rest of the message in my preaching and teaching to the church because hey that’s not for us.  Any words of warning from Jesus no, no somehow it doesn’t apply to us.  Any words of warning from Paul no, no that was for unbelievers in his congregation.  Because God would not speak to us like that.  If I’m going to do that now obviously how am I going to warn about the coming day of wrath.  Paul thought that it was important to tell believers.  Ephesians 5; Colossians 3 to tell believers “Do not live a certain way because the wrath of God is coming on those who do.”  It’s like saying this “We have a safety zone here; we have a hurricane shelter in this building and there’s a massive hurricane coming so stay in the building because if you go out there you’re going to die.”  It’s a warning of love.  But I hear almost no warning.  The only warning I hear from hyper-grace teachers is “Don’t get out from our teaching on grace; don’t listen to the warnings.”  And Sid, you asked how someone could come out with the idea.

Sid: Right.

Michael:  That spirituality’s effortless.  Here’s the truth of it; when I come to know that God has forgiven me not because of my good works but because of what Jesus did. When I fellowship with Him; when I enjoy Him it’s just it feels automatic.  You just want to please God; you want to pray; you want to witness.  But the fact is that’s not the whole story.  Jesus says “We have to take up our cross deny ourselves daily.”  Paul talks about running a race and being disciplined.  1st Corinthians 9:24 to 27.  He tells Timothy 2nd Timothy 2:3 “Endure hardship as a good soldier of Messiah Jesus.”  I have a whole book, a whole chapter in my “Hyper-grace” book called “The Spirituality effortless” where I interview Jesus; where I interview Paul, I interview Peter and say “What do you make of this concept and one after another after another says “You have to push; you have to strive so.”  So working with the Lord in the Spirit we say no to the flesh; it is an ongoing battle Sid.

Sid: Okay, what do you mean by the new Gnostics?  First what is Gnosticism?

Michael:  Gnosticism was a heresy; it’s seeds began in New Testament times but doesn’t become fully developed until after the time of the New Testament.  There are different factions of Gnosticism found in both within both Jewish and Christian groups.  But they basically believe this “The material world itself was evil; that the God of the Old Testament was evil.”  They call them the demiurge.  He came forth from the one true God; the Father of the Lord Jesus who’s good and loving and compassionate.  And He created the world because the world the material realm itself is evil. The Son of God came into this world in the body of Jesus, but then he left before the crucifixion because he’s not going to be touched by the things of this world. And the Gnostic’s didn’t put emphasis on relationship, but on revelation. “Ah, we’ve got the knowledge. That’s why the word “gnosis” in Greek is the word for knowledge; that’s what they were called.  “I’ve got the revelation; I’ve received this deeper truth and I am pure spirit; I don’t even sin because I’m not in the body anymore.”  And Sid some of the hyper-grace teaching is going in the direction of Gnosticism, undeniably.  I’m talking about people that are in the Lord now who are preaching a lot of good stuff; it is now being mixed with gnostic error and even gnostic heresy.  To the point that some are completely departing from the faith.

Sid: Okay, Mike what concerns you the most about the hyper-grace teaching?

Michael:  The thing that concerns me the most is they’ve taken a glorious life-giving truth and mixed it with deadly error and distortion. It is a perverted grace message at times; it is a grace mixture.  So here’s the terrible danger; a lot of people hear the good part and they’re changed Sid.  I hear from them too; “Mike I’m delivered from legalism; I’m I’ve never loved Jesus so much, I’ve never prayed so much; I’ve never lived a holier life.”  There’s something wonderful but because of the error that it’s mixed with it as people keep drinking it in it is unbalanced; it’s umbilical; what’s going to happen is that little by little people are going to start to die of the poison. And then others in order to justify error because we don’t deal with sin, that sin consciousness, that’s sin management, that’s behavior modification because God’s already forgiven my future sins. Because Holy Spirit doesn’t forgive me of sin because I don’t confess my sin because I’m not in the body I’m a spirit, I’m a soul and I don’t sin.  Because of that deception people are going to have no accountability for what they do in the flesh.  And ultimately yes people will walk away from Jesus in the name of grace.

Sid: Question, “How pervasive at this moment is this message with most of the hyper-grace teachers in Christianity today; how pervasive is this?”

Michael: Well, every hyper-grace teacher I identify has hyper-grace has the mixture.  Some of them have great stuff and the mixture is minor. Some of them it’s about half and half; some of them it’s mainly the error.  But the hyper-grace message is spreading like wild-fire through the Body. Prominent TV teachers and preachers; prominent authors; folks in different parts of the world espousing this. And it’s almost like a cult like following because many of the people that have been helped by it are really sensitive and they’ve really been helped. The moment you come with a criticism it’s like “Don’t touch my baby; this changed my life!” And it’s such a harsh reaction.

Sid: Okay, we’re out of time right now.

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